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I Am Creative

Long ago in lost times of yore
Long before the great war
There stood legendary a knight
Unmatched in glory and might
Keen as the wind was her blade
Whose fine edges did not fade
Neither lightning nor fire could mar
Her shield fair as moon and star
Upon her foes did peer
With both respect and fear
For none could compare
To her adamant armor so fair
For all to marvel and behold
A phoenix plume of old
Rested atop her comely helm
And flowed like an leaf of the elm
On her belt silver, there did hang
A horn carven from a basilisk fang
And the string of her longbow
Shone emerald as did it glow
Powerful like the old and wise mountain
Graceful like water from the elven fountain
Was her lion who stood ever lofty and proud
As even to all kings his head was unbowed
Few foes did not yield or fly
Before his thunderous cry
And those who looked into his gaze
Left behind their warrior days
His coat of black and grey
Held a sublime sheen at day
And when the night came around
He moved without making a sound
He wore armor of pure white
That shone like moonlight
Yet to the touch it was never cold
As it was warm like the sun of gold
They stood upon the shore at twilight
And in the hour of the fading of light
Her harp of old the knight did play
As the world said farewell to the day
There was shining light dancing afar
And there from the evening star
Came the lone prince of starlight
Who went to the lion and knight
His boat strong as a diamond color of snow
Was endowed with an eternal celestial glow
And it moved not with the waves or gale
For across both shadow and sky, it did sail
To the east, he took the two
With great speed and grace his ship flew
Over the seas undying and unforgiving wrath
Over and through all clouds in their path
Upon the ship was a silver blaze
That no wind nor water could raze
All harm and woe the did flame ward away
Upon the east, thedisembarked in the day
Alas the prince of starlight bid them adieu
Back into the heavens upon his ship, he flew
And with him went the stars tender light
As the sun rose again in all her fiery might
They found themselves far from the west
And upon them back great dread did rest
For they went to the mountain of ghastly grey
And there their mighty and fearsome foe did lay
A dragon whose scales were scarlet and gold
His fire was hot yet his heart was cold
His large serpent form had no wings
He slept atop the hoard of countless fallen kings
The dragon saw the lion and knight draw near
And spoke them in his horrid tongue that cast most to fear
The knight said they would free the east from his rule
The dragon only wickedly laughed calling her a fool
And so there it was under the mountain of old
The fiercest battle of the world did unfold
For the mountain couldn't contain their power
And so it shattered like a frail glass tower
The light of sun fell upon the three
And dragon gave a laugh of foul glee
For neither sword or claw
Could harm his scales that had no flaw
The knight grabbed her horn and did blow
And forth from it, a sweet sound did flow
That filled the dragon with rage and fear
And all three looked as silhouette draw near
Flying across the clouds of white
With handsome feathers fairer than all light
Was a bird with talons dark as shadow
Whose keen eyes filled the dragon with woe
It was the phoenix king the dragons dread
When he saw him the dragon almost fled
Yet the lion and knight kept the wyrm there
And the drake roared in rage and despair
By the phoenix kings marvelous might
The dragon now wore wounds in the fight
Yet still, the monster did not fall
And in his ire, he stood terrible and tall
But then the knight brandished her longbow
And drew back her lone arrow of mistletoe
Upon the dragons now wounded breast
Her aim so straight and true did rest
With a twang, the arrow flew with haste
And upon the dragon heart, it was placed
The wyrm let out a cry that shook the sky
And its eyes lost their glow and it did die
At long last the wyrm of the east
Laid defeated and deceased
The land was again fair and free
And the people rejoiced with glee
The knight and lion went back west
And therein peace, they did rest
And in peace, they passed from this sphere
Yet they live on for their lofty legend still dwells here

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