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I Do Not Think Creationism Should Be Taught In School

Keep It In Church Where It Belongs!... Ignorance is a void. It's an absence of knowledge. It's nothing. But if the void is infused with conviction, blind belief, brainwashing and fear, it grows up through the emptiness and then emerges as pure crap.

Creationism is not science, its not a theory, its not even a coherent idea. Creationism is the conclusion, and people try to prove it by filtering out the evidence that fits, disregarding any conflicting information. Science works with the evidence to find the conclusion, even if it means that the hypothesis is incorrect. Keep creationism in church where it belongs.
Evolution is a fundamental and necessary part of genetics and biology and denying this is just ignorance, stupidity or dishonesty.
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SDavis · 56-60, F
1) Creation _ *God said let there be LIGHT* - there was darkness and nothing

Science _ Big Bang Singularity theory -
A burst of microwave radiation LIGHT before the singularity of the Big Bang occurred there was nothing but darkness

2) Creation _ God separated the waters and divided them and call the firmament heaven

Science _ waters are "now" being discovered out there in the heavens here are two

3) Creation _ God told the water is to form in one place then he separated the waters from the waters -- then he told dry land to appear

Science _ the Earth seemingly was a water world no visible land and the Earth's water is older than the Sun

4) Creation _ God told the Earth to bring forth plants

Science _ plants we're here 700 million years ago or longer before fish marine life and animal life on land plants existed. Not speaking of sponges or amoebas or ocean blobs.

5) Creation _ God created two great lights - people will argue he created plants before he created the Sun and Moon - he didn't need the Sun and Moon to give these things life ___ **just like it is written in the book of Revelation there will be no more sun and no moon at the new heaven and new Earth God himself will be the light thereof.

Science _ the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are fairly close to being the same age give or take some million years

6) Creation _ God told the Waters to bring forth living creatures in abundance

Science _

Feathers on dinosaurs / they were birds / extremely huge birds and some of the smaller ones may have actually flew

7) Creation _ God told the Earth to bring forth Beast and cattle

Science _ after the fish, insects, and fowl, other animals begin to evolve from those past - evolving into what is present


8) Creation _ God formed man and placed him on Earth

Science _ all humanoids seeming Evolved from a primate type species / the homo heidelbergensis from Africa or some other unknown

Seems like to me the stages and creation and the stages in science coincide with each other .... I feel safe to say that the Genesis story of creation is actually scientific and older than the science of man.
Many people claim that science disproves the Bible’s account of creation. However, the real contradiction is, not between science and the Bible, but between science and the opinions of Christian Fundamentalists.

Some of these groups falsely assert that according to the Bible, all physical creation was produced in six 24-hour days approximately 10,000 years ago.- this teaching is defined as creationism. The Bible, however, does not support such a conclusion. If it did, then many scientific discoveries over the past one hundred years would indeed discredit the Bible. A careful study of the Bible text reveals no conflict with established scientific facts.

The Genesis account opens with the simple, powerful statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) A number of Bible scholars agree that this statement describes an action separate from the creative days recounted from verse 3 onward.

The implication is profound. According to the Bible’s opening words, the universe, including our planet, Earth, was in existence for an indefinite time before the creative days began.

Geologists estimate that the earth is 4 billion years old, and astronomers calculate that the universe may be as much as 15 billion years old. Do these findings—or their potential future refinements—contradict Genesis 1:1? No. The Bible does not specify the actual age of “the heavens and the earth.” Science is not at odds with the Biblical text.
The length of the creative days were not literally 24 hours long. Some claim that because Moses—the writer of Genesis—later referred to the day that followed the six creative days as a model for the weekly Sabbath, each of the creative days must be literally 24 hours long. (Exodus 20:11) However the wording of Genesis does not support this conclusion

The fact is that the Hebrew word translated “day” can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period. For example, when summarizing God’s creative work, Moses refers to all six creative days as one day. (Genesis 2:4) In addition, on the first creative day, “God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.” (Genesis1:5)

Here, only a portion of a 24-hour period is defined by the term “day.” Certainly, there is no basis in Scripture for arbitrarily stating that each creative day was 24 hours long.
How long, then, were the creative days? The Bible does not say; however, the wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths(epochs)of time were involved.
dinosaurcavemandude · 31-35, M
The genesis story was adopted from the babylonion creation story of tiamat and marduk.
The story of moses was lifted from the story of sargon.
The story of the flood was lifted from the epic of gilgamesh which far predates anything in the bible.
The book of genesis was written by four people over a period of 500 years and still shows polytheistic features as the ancient hebrew religion did evolve from polytheistic canaanite beliefs.
if you don't believe me, doesn't hurt to fact check.

also, by suggesting that the bible is not literal, you are ignoring the geneologies which can be matched up to actual events which suggest that adam only lived about 4000 years ago. Also, it is proven that we came from a population, not an individual, so adam didn't even exist (as it was lifted from other fables as I said already)
Genesis one and two also both contradict each other. one says god created animals first, the other says he created man first. Science has nothing to do with the bible, and it can't apply to it because science wasn't born until around 200 years ago. They were ignorant of how the world worked... and this shows through non sense like describing the sun moving through holes in the sky when it becomes dark and the firmament being solid and men trying to peirce the sky with a gimlet when the built the tower of babel...
Neya297 :)
THANK YOU!! Creation is not needed in schools such as prayer. I mean come on nobody wants something forced on them especially religion. last time i checked i have the freedom of religion which to me is no religion at all (too me). besides religion causes more problems than good.
Dear child, this ignorant soul with two Ph.D.'s has a humble suggestion. Read the latest theories before using a public forum to prove your own ignorance.
dinosaurcavemandude · 31-35, M
Empty words with nothing to back them up. please tell me which "theories" you're talking about.

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