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but how would you teach it without being afraid that people would believe it?

In order to get new species you need new DNA since DNA IS being lost not gained how can evolution be true.since it needs new dna to work?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
"In order to get new species you need new DNA"
You need different DNA... gradual change over a long time will achieve that easily.
Here's an idea... we could call that process, umm... evolution!
simply put you need new data[dna] for new life according to is being lost not gained.get my point or need i continue?
science has become a club a cult a few tell the masses what to think and believe.THINK ABOUT IT
Abrienda · 26-30, F
SexyLes@ Evolutionists have no explanation for the gaps in the fossil records nor for why many animals do not act in their own best interests regarding survival. The dog who jumps into a lake his owner has fallen into...does it really believe he can save him? Is that "learned behavior"? It is called a "theory" for a reason; "fact" it is not.
Lynda70 · F
@Abrienda: The scientific meaning of "theory" is not the same as the common usage. Scientific theories are throughly tested, they're not just untested ideas.

The common usage of the term "theory" usually refers to what scientists call a hypothesis.

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection has been tested and found to be valid.
unklejason · 18-21, M
@Serenitree Creation is the idea that the Earth was created in six days, only six thousand years ago, as the Bible describes it. Meanwhile, Intelligent Design is the watered down version that teaches everything was created with a purpose by an intelligent designer (it does not mesh with evolution).

Deism is the only option that supports the creation of the universe the way that scientists know it happened, while supporting an all-powerful deity. People who are deists generally believe that the world is simply too complex to have happened on its own, but find organized religion and its ideas to be hogwash. However, since there is no proof of any all-powerful deity, deism (and creation/ID) will not be taught in public school science classes. If a student wants to learn about them on their own time, they can do independent study, or take an unrelated/college course on them.
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@sarah-jayne it is up to them if they wanted to believe it. An example: If you were lying to someone, you aren't a hundred percent sure if the person you're lying to will believe it and you'd be afraid if they don't believe you. It's always up to the person if they'll believe something and they should not be forced to believe in something they don't even understand.
unklejason · 18-21, M
You have a valid point, but you have to realize that creationism has no proof towards itself. Creationism is now only taught in fourteen states, due to the fact that it is not recognized as science. Although I agree that children should have a taste of all the views, that only applies to the scientifically supported ones.
Serenitree · F
Here is a question. Why are creation and evolution mutually exclusive ideas?

I am not quite an atheist, but not a believer by a long shot, and not any kind of expert in anything at all, but what I do have is an open and inquisitive mind.

So with that in mind, please bear with me.

(scientists are as capable of having closed and narrow minds as any religious sect. they have their empirical proof that their findings are the only truth)

Now, just as a point of discussion, not argument; why couldn't an all powerful god have created a world where species are capable of evolving. If this god is so powerful, why is he/she/it not capable of doing something so simple yet so complex as to be inexplicable by either science or Creationists?

Or is this just me being too open minded?
evolution is crap.
Serenitree · F
You are speaking only of one such belief. The belief that this world was created in 6 days. But no one believes that god suddenly appeared 6000 years ago.

Again, I say, this isn't meant to be an argument. Simply a different idea. No one can or ever will be able to prove or disprove the possibility that the universe was created billions of years ago by some*thing* and then left to evolve as it has.

I am not saying I am right because this isn't even opinion. It was merely meant to say I see no argument. I feel that all the arguments are merely intellectual exercises. No one in our lifetime is likely to have a definitive answer, but everyone wants others to believe theirs is the right one.
Serenitree · F
Oops. I am guilty of what I always warn others against. I read your words but didn't read the meaning behind them. Sorry. It doesnt change what I said, but it does change what I THOUGHT you were saying.
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@SexLesGirl13 I'm Christian and I completely understand you. I'm not saying that you're right nor that I'm right, but we all have different perspectives of things. Just have an open mind about Science and Religion or different contrasting things. I'm not saying that I do not believe in Creationism but I always keep in mind about the proven things. I'm proudly a Christian and I have a strong faith.
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@SexLesGirl13 I get your point. But from my perspective, our primate "ancestors", develop and still continues to do so because of their instincts to survive. With that, they discover new things and they develop and adapt as they discover. Plus it has already been proven by scientists through extensive research
EclipsedHeart29 where is the proof? a lot of people of science say evolution is a lie.
reubles · 41-45, M
no way, leave misinformation to the news outlets and me
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Serenitree · F
Until rather recently, it was. Then parents started objecting to having their children being taught what they see as lies. It took an act of government to pass a law forbidding any religious teachings in any public schools.
you're right :)
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@agoodboy thanks :) I'm just trying to be open minded here. People sound stupid if they get butthurt lol XD
jayye1145 · 46-50, F
@SexyLesGirl13 and this is why i love you so much you are so damn smart babe c;
But what do you beleive - are you a creationist?
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@SexLesGirl13 can you please continue?
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@Abrienda agreed
EclipsedHeart29 · 22-25, F
@SexyLesGirl13 why?

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