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bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
I’m stressed because none of this is new, except that it’s coming back after we supposedly know better.

Like the song says, "this is where I came in". 😞
@bijouxbroussard We're fighting these mfers again . And clearly, seeing how they debate now, there is no changing them, there is no compromise. They just hide it when they have to and pass it on to their kids. There is no hope for understanding.

I want peace, but peace doesn't work with them.

Turtlepower · 36-40, M
Well put. I too fear for my children because of the pure vitriol of partisan everything in society. Politics is a big one but sports is another. My three oldest kids are in elementary school and I'm already trying to help them navigate bullies, disruptive people, and the fear of being shot in school.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Turtlepower That's insane.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@JimboSaturn it's normal childhood these days. They start lockdown drills in kindergarten and it freaks the kids out. I'm sure my parents generation felt similarly during nuclear weapon drills
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
This is a big part of my angst today. Thank you for expressing it for me. ❤
Well said. Extremism on both sides has caused this situation ... and for it to be exploited by those seeking power.
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You're right. 🫂
HumanEarth · F
We (as in the public) all have been lied to for over a century and we now we're all starting to wake up to over a century of cover ups and lies.
HumanEarth · F
Sad thing is Marble. It's always been that way as long as we have been alive and longer.

But it's really obvious now, because they are no longer hiding it
@HumanEarth I can only assume everything I believed in growing up was a front. At this point, the only good we can do is on the ground. Help each other. The ones that feel this war the most. And be hated for all that we do no matter what. What a life. Yay Murica
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akindheart · 61-69, F
why post then?
akindheart · 61-69, F
@MarbleMarvel well first of all, he turned the Education AND Abortion issues back to the state so therefore, he didn't abolish them. That is where they belong. Yes i had 2 kids plus my brother who were in public education. Do you really want the federal govt interfering in that?

He did win by overwhelming numbers-electoral and popular vote.

Lets talk about Jesus. Do you think what the Dems did was right? bringing in illegals for votes, letting them rob our systems and that is what they did. They have no way to support themselves withassistance.

What Trump is saying is that you can be whoever you want to be but we are not paying for it and they are not cramming it down our throats. they are not going to get positions they are not qualified for just because of how they dress and their sexual orientation.

I would rather have Trump any day than a senile crook who couldn't make it across a stage without falling. we were the laugh of the world.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@akindheart you are so confused by your own statements that I wouldn't want to cover them all.

@MarbleMarvel is very correct by what she said. Yet you don't wish to see it.

Trump is here to divide this country, nothing else. He doesn't even have conservative values. He doesn't know what conservation means.

Conservation is definitely not division.

Ask why the McCain family and the Cheney's were exiled from the Republican party.

Trump divided his own party first. Now he is doing it to the whole country.

[ @akindheart]
@DeWayfarer oh brother...you are delusional. and that is how Trump got elected...never mind. you are blocked

Names and blocking is all your type can do. You can't give any logical reasons!
akindheart · 61-69, F
@DeWayfarer oh brother...you are delusional. and that is how Trump got elected...never mind. you are blocked
Compared ro how pedo BinBiden made America worse with runaway inflation, millions of criminals slipping through the southern border, ignoring antifa, not to mention the weakest veep in US history

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