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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Paul Revere's most famous quote, "The British are coming" likely was never said. Since everyone in the colonies were British citizens. It is more probable that he shouted either, "The soldiers are coming! The soldiers are coming!" or "The redcoats are coming!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@pancakeslam Since there were already hundreds of British Redcoats scattered through the Mass. countryside, he didnt actually yell anything. He moved as quietly and discretely as possible and had the word spread quietly..😷
BohemianBabe · M
Because of their red coats, the British soldiers were also referred to as "Lobsterbacks."
Which means the line actually might have been "The Lobsterbacks are coming!" which is objectively hilarious.
"The redcoats are coming!
Because of their red coats, the British soldiers were also referred to as "Lobsterbacks."
Which means the line actually might have been "The Lobsterbacks are coming!" which is objectively hilarious.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@BohemianBabe this really sounds like a revision of history.
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
As a total aside, Benedict Arnold and his family are buried in a beautiful parish church in (now) inner London, Battersea. There is a stained glass window dedicated to him, showing both the colonial and Union flags.
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
Even more bizarre, most of the "British Army" were Hessians.
Pfuzylogic · M
I am going to guess that colonists didn’t think of themselves as British because of the dumb looking uniforms. He could have said “The geeks are coming!” But it was easier to say British. It was easy to spot them.
Spoiledbrat · F
I think he just meant the other British. The ones trying to take over.
Bang5luts · M
He was a little ahead of his time ffs
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