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Aid to Ukraine—Senate GOP stands up!

Per Politico:

Senate Republican Ukraine advocates swept away a last-minute cavalcade of attacks on Monday evening, defeating a conservative filibuster of the $95 billion aid package and putting it on a glide path to clearing the chamber.

The 66-33 vote advanced the bill toward final passage, which is expected to take place by midweek, if not earlier.
TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
What about the border?
All the President has to do is sign a bill; executive order.
TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
@KunsanVeteran who is "Quad"????????
TheBannibalOne · 61-69, M
I can read better then you think.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@TheBannibalOne Hardly!

Who has been impeached twice in one term?

Who has been indicted FOUR TIMES and faces 91 criminal charges?

If you still can’t figure it out then go back to kindergarten. But have an adult walk you to the bus and pick you up in the afternoon.

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