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I Love South Korea

Korean is the fastest growing language. Pretty awesome.

Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I'm starting with Japanese then moving to Chinese because the kanji helps, might do Korean last out of the 3. Korea uses an adopted form of it don't they?. (I don't know)
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@SW-User What do you think was easier about Chinese?.
@Ryannnnnn I don't know. Just that fact it seemed to make more sense to me I guess. Plus I have more Chinese friends hahaha and been there.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@SW-User ah okay that does help 😁
midnightsun · 26-30, M
In my ex's wishlist, I noticed that she really want to visit Korea. Was seriously addicted to k dramas and K-pop.

Forced me to watch one but I couldn't relate to any of the characters in the series.

Korea's biggest export is definitely culture and, Samsung.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
@SW-User I took some interest in understanding why K-pop music is widely accepted these days

Figured out that it's generally too perfect. The music video, dances and everything.

Dig deeper and realized that these people are trained from childhood and have to go through strict dietary requirements to look thin and have plastic surgery if they look ugly.

Just felt pity for them.
@midnightsun It's a lot of work. Many do not make it. Thousands from all over the world come to a "training camp" to be the next star but very few get chosen.

But it's the life of many famous people. That's why I support labels that take care of their stars.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
@SW-User nice.
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@SW-User It seems like you're from the UK, many Koreans settle there or visit there.

There should be a Korean restaurant nearby to try.
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Portuguese is still my priority 😬
@SW-User indeed. It's number one on my list 😬
@SW-User Awesome. I never been there. When I traveled, it was considered too dangerous. It cleaned up now though.
@SW-User yep. Rio has high crime rates compared to Sao Paulo. Both expensive tho 😂
Kpop and Kdrama playing huge role. Hmmph.
*Gonna make another hit movies in my language*
@SW-User hahahaha
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
French is decreasing :O lol
@deadgerbil All European languages are decreasing. French decreased almost 15% according to the article.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@SW-User I'd imagine English is the exception as it's the lingua franca or is it decreasing too?
@deadgerbil English is the exception
@SW-User yep. I was one of the kdrama addicts. It's just that when it became too mainstream, i let go of my addiction. Lol
@SW-User hahaha That's good. It's too much to keep up with anyways.
@SW-User yeaahh. If im going to watch any kdramas, i still watch the good old ones. It's a classic. Endless love is one 😬😁
More people for you to talk to :)
@SW-User hahaha Yes. Much better

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