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What is their final settlement?

Lubitsch's movie To Be or Not to Be used to be unjustly critised once because it made fun of the Nazis. Like the banality of evil can't be real subject matter for ridiculization. Nowadays there are also Israelis that make fun of their fellow Israelis who genuinely have lost the plot. Like this idea that Anti-Zionism by certain Jews or even mere criticism of the current government's conduct of the war in Gaza is antisemitism.

The concept of a Christian Jew can be correct because being Jewish is entirely about being part of the one nation, thus by only taking a dissident view, lets say an Anti-Zionist stand, one can be described as being a traitor to this concept of nationhood and country too. It's pretty dangerous stuff if one actually wants peace in that part of the world. In short, the wolf could be about to devour some of its young. One nation, one country, one mindset, one westbank of the river, etc., etc.

Afterall, the mere fact that a so-called Pallestinian state has never been leads them to even think that the UN donated the entire westbank to the state of Israel. The only illegal occupation was by Jordan and Egypte, you know. That's why they're also actually upset that Egypt isn't taking in the Gaza refugees nor is Jordan voicing itself as being the Arab state for Palestinians by excellence.

What are their own ideas for peace? The Arabs can stay resident of the one state of Israel where they're now living but should be given Jordanian citizenship. Then they can indeed govern themselves from Amman. Israel still needs the cheap labour force after all. No, luckily, only some are thinking like that already. But if you watch a lot of Israeli tv, especially their Channel 14, then you'll find this little clip funny too. Thank God that satire can last the journey and better times can be ahead again!


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