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I Am Korean

Stop bringing Karen's to Asia.

my fragile white ego
Well at least shes somewhat self aware 😬
@PepsiColaP White people aren't really privileged in Korea unless they have some celebrity status. Same with all foreigners.

Most are seen as English teachers with no actual career.
@SW-User hm interesting. Probably why she is so eager to make an issue out of something insignificant. She wants to feel special 😒
Laughoften · M
@SW-User ahhhhhh, I get it now
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
They're exporting them now cause they don't want them there 😂
@HannibalAteMeOut hahahaha Please don't. I don't want them there.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@SW-User the downside of globalization 😂
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@SW-User Will America Be Very 1980s When I'm President
I have fragile white Lego too 😌

Oh, she said ego...

Never mind 👀
@SW-User hahahaha
Laughoften · M
What's wrong with "hi hi" ? What was the reference to?
@Laughoften It's not
Laughoften · M
@SW-User what was the purpose of the Karen post? You lost me
@Laughoften Because many westerns are trying to Westernize Asia. I wish they would stop
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
Why is saying "hi" objectionable?
@MrsPeterEvans Read it hahahaha
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
@SW-User I did read. Little children often say hi to me on the street
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Classified · M
In our defence, not all white people nitpick like this 👀
@Classified I know. I hate these types though.
Classified · M
@SW-User I see that name more often. Is she famous?

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