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I Am Korean

Foreigners: I don't understand Korean age system.

Me: Example, my son was born November 30th. 30 days later he turned 1 month old. 31 days later he turned 2 years old.

Viper · M
Nope, not understand.

Though I remember reading that supposively certain parts of China traditionally believe that you're born 2 years old, and where inside your mother for two years.

Which is supposedly how China got it's two great young gymnastic girls on the team for the Chinese Olympics, despite very widespread believe they were underaged and didn't met the minimum age requirement... changing their offical birth certificates to make them two years older claiming the originals had errors.
@Viper Confusing
Viper · M
@SW-User So do both systems make sense to you?
@Viper They do
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
Yes...east Asian age system, used commonly in Korea but also in parts of Japan, Tibet and China where it originated.
@KiwiBird Hahahaha Of course.
xixgun · M
That explains why you guys age so well.
@xixgun hahahaha
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Pretty good explanation why given here (further on down):

Note it's worse than it may seem though! 🤣🤣🤣
@DeWayfarer hahaha
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-User I would be able to draw social security by that age even though I am still only 60. 😁
Classified · M
So your age goes up at a new year? 😯
@Classified hahaha zero is during the process
Classified · M
@SW-User Makes sense. I mean they spend nine months inside the womb. 😄
@Classified hahaha
gummybears · F
So how old is your son?
gummybears · F
@SW-User thats really weird...🤔
@gummybears hahaha that's why we look younger than our age.
gummybears · F
@SW-User I look younger too
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Age is just a no. For me! 😇
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
@SW-User "Korean beauty" this name is for you from bloodthirsty! 😇
@AngelKrish Awwwww
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
@SW-User ☺️i hope you liked it!
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
That makes my head hurt. 😭
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Oh yes. Me understand oh wise one. 😂
@JaggedLittlePill hahahahahaha
.krans do the Gregorian calendar?

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