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The damage done and the dangers of Liberal immigration policies into Canada

Canada has in recent years had massive levels of immigration into Canada.. In general there is insufficient housing to accommodate these people so the first thing that has happened is that residential rents have doubled in the least seven years.. The cost of buying a home has skyrocketed and has also doubled between price increases in homes and interest rates.. I question if my Daughters who are well educated and have good jobs will ever be able to afford to buy a home.. this is NOT the country I was raised in...

Then there is the dangers associated with immigration.. The proportion of Canada's population who reported being Muslim has more than doubled in 20 years, rising from 2.0% (579,640 people) in 2001 to 4.9% (1,775,715 people) in 2021 and has grown substantially since 2021..This has had a DIRECT correlation effect on anti semitic violence... . the number of antisemitic incidents in the country more than doubled from 2022 to 2023 and has now reached a record high. "If a physical barometer did in fact exist, the reading for 2023 would be off the chart," Richard Robertson, the group's director of policy and research, said in Ottawa on Monday, which is also Holocaust Remembrance Day or Yom HaShoah.B'nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy organization, said that between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023, it logged 5,791 incidents of antisemitism, surpassing the previous record of 2,799 reported in 2021. The two are inexorably linked.. As a Jew in Canada being put at substantial risk I carry both a baseball bat and a firearm with me in my vehicle at all times and I am trained and capable at using both devices to their intended effect.. I never had to do this before the flood gates opened - I have no CHOICE but to do this now.. These incidents have directly impacted me and my family on multiple occasions.. The Synagogue I attend must be guarded by armed police officers, the girls school my Rabbi's Daughter attends has been hit by gun fire on three separate occasions in six months.. The Jewish day care my Wife works at has had one of the Mothers physically assaulted... and I can go on... If an anti semitic incident of violence takes place in my presence - I will do my best to stop it..
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Dolimyte · 41-45, M
There is definitely a need for more housing, especially the affordable kind. Immigration does raise the demand side of the equation, but that is far from the largest cause of housing costs ballooning out of control.

I see the correlation that you identified between Muslim immigration and anti semetic violence. Do you have any evidence of a causal relationship? My understanding of the increase in anti semitism is that it's in responce to the Israel-Hamas war. I can find no credible study suggesting newly arrived muslim imgrants are responsible. Please let me know if such a study exists, I'd be very interested to read it.

You are not reducing the likelihood of violence by carrying around weapons, firearms are never a legal means of self defense in Canada btw.
I have no CHOICE but to do this now
Yes you do. It seems to me that you are becoming that which you fear, a person willing to commit violence in the name of a religious group.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Dolimyte no I am someone prepared to defend my community, my family and myself if faced with an existential threat . The armed police outside our Synagogues are not there as props they are there to protect us from highly elevated threat levels. Do you need police guards to allow you to pray? How many times have your religious institutions been firebombed? Shot at? How am I as a Canadian citizen the least bit at fault for the massacre of civilians innocent Jews on October 7 or the required steps to eliminate the terrorists who caused it? You are not ingratiating yourself with us and my legal firearms are staying close at hand despite your views.
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Sooo .. its not just an American issue? Problems arise other places where immigration is allowed to outstrip a country's ability to absorb without negatively affecting the legal citizens. Interesting. I've not seen other Canadians posting on our U.S. challenges and division over them admit to this.

Is there significant disagreement in Canada over this and how best to address it?
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@BrandNewMan Sort of - let me explain.. Canadians are acutely aware of the massive shortage in housing and the corresponding price increases in occupancy costs both purchase price and rents.. They are generally unaware of immigration as one of the drivers to this.. there are other drivers beyond supply and demand - landlords are taking advantage of shortages to escalate rents in dramatic fashion when possible...

They are also totally ignorant over the growth in the number of Muslim in Canada.. Anyone who takes an Uber.. is very likely to bump into a fellow named Mohamed driving them..

There is a huge problem with Muslim immigration aside from their desire for power and control over society.. Most of these Muslims coming in are Arabs and Arabs are possessed of an average IQ of only 82.. Look it up - its shocking but true... they are not equipped on average to be productive members of society hence the number of Uber drivers with the same first name... They are also overly represented as security guards in stores and other menial employment..

The small (400,000) Jewish population is deeply aware of the huge spike in anti semitic hate crimes being directed our way.. We are LESS tuned into the correlation to the massive growth in the Muslim population in Canada but a proportion of this now significant population is aligned to be violent and to actively demonstrate against us and our interests and it is OUR infrastructure our schools, synagogues, community centres, hospitals, kosher grocery and food stores that are TARGETS of this elevated risk patern that the police report..

But Canada is DIFFERENT - unlike your southern border where migrants come in illegally waltzing into your country freely. it is the LIBERAL government that actively is increasing immigration including a wildly disproportionate number of Muslims into Canada.. and the corresponding risk profile WE as Jews Face is directly linked to their propensity to express themselves at OUR expense.. We are PAYING for support mechanisms for these immigrants out of our tax dollars.. For their food, income and rent - even putting them up in hotels.. When they march on our streets, in Jewish neighbourhoods they are screaming death to the Jews - also anti zionism is anti semitism and they make no bones about connecting us to our families in Israel.. and blaming US for their peoples failures.. The Liberals are interested in the Muslims as a future voting block of support.. The Conservative Party of Canada is principled not being political opportunists like the liberals and standing with the Jewish Community and greatly supporting the state of Israel at their own political cost to do so.. So yes guess who I am voting for in the upcoming election? The days of Jews supporting the Liberal Party of Canada are over.. This problem was INTENDED to occur by the Liberals - they did it on purpose and they crippled our nation as a direct result going forward... I am uncertain as to if it can be fixed - I am not remotely optimistic...
Years back I told my Canadian friend ( of 40 yrs) that what was going on in the U.S. was in time going to make its way to Canada.
Beginning to see the issue? Guess where some of that money to relocate these "immigrants" came from? USAID. This isn't a humanitarian effort. The gov't knows there is insufficient housing, and are going to increase your taxes. They know some of the immigrants will refuse to assimilate into western culture. They know anti-Semitism will increase. Sewing division within the culture at the expense of the tax payer is a Cloward & Piven tactic. Stay safe.
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Midlifemale Jews in Canada have been placed in specific danger in Canada by the explosion in Muslim immigration into Canada. These facts I published have REAL implications on our personal safety and security.. Can you imagine that to go to pray in a Synagogue that armed police officers must be on station there the whole time? Let me assure you that I take firearms range practice very VERY seriously... they ask me at the range why I insist on hitting.inside a 2" target at 80' distance? They tell me I am being unrealistic in my expectations... I say I have no choice.. I have to meet a much higher standard. I must be able to hit exactly what I aim at every single time... I have to answer to a higher standard, a higher authority..
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M

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