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Guns in Canada

A former honorary guard at the legislature decides to protest the new gun law. He puts his old .22 rifle into a plastic carrying case and goes to the legislature. He is charged with illegal use of a gun. The problem was he had taken the bolt out of the old rifle and left it in a locked case at home. IOW what he had in the bag was a clumsy club that looked like a rifle. A fellow was walking down the street carrying a toy replica of a gun. A karen spotted him and phoned the cops who then tried to charge him with a gun crime. It was a replica made of plastic. There was no working mechanism in the toy. The town was celebrating its centenial. One of the local ranchers thought it would be a good idea to bring a couple of his horses to town to let people ride them. Attached to one of the saddles was a scabbard and rifle. The cops parked beside the horses and thanked the rancher for being such a wonderful citizen. No mention was made of the fully functioning gun in the scabbard.
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Most Canadians, luckily, are smart enough to avoid the mistakes made in the US regarding gun worship.

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Let me guess you have never been to Canada. Believe it or not Canada is the second most civilian armed nation on earth behind only the USA. Nice try though. Next time try harder. BTW here in Canada you can't just walk into a school during school hours. You have to ring the buzzer and identify yourself and your purpose for being there. Oh and yeah they have regular lockdowns as the gang bangers outside shoot at each other with illegal guns. That happened to my grandsons not too long ago. The shooting outside their school caused the lockdown. Fortunately no child was hurt but one man was wounded in the gunfire.
@hippyjoe1955 WRONG!! I've been to Canada multiple times.
You may suffer from a gun fetish or gun worship, but not enough of your fellow Canadians do. And that's a good thing for all of Canada.

That happened to my grandsons not too long ago. The shooting outside their school caused the lockdown.
If that's true you'll have no trouble identifying the school and the date. My guess is it's a fairytale and you'll spend the next few hours avoiding answering my direct questions about it.
room101 · 51-55, M
@ElwoodBlues It's always about this or that family member or this or that friend, acquittance, whatever with dippy. Because, you know, his "personal experiences" supersede ALL objective, empirically provable facts!
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
It's wrong to threaten with any object. People don't know if it's disabled.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Changeisgonnacome No one was being threatened. The gun was in a sealed plastic bag. The bag looked long. The person carrying the bag never made a motion or noise that could in anyway be construed as threatening. People need to take a chill pill instead of leaping to the conclusion that there was a threat. No threat. None whatsoever. A veteran decorated ex-soldier of Metis heritage standing outside a building with a bag that held parts of a gun and a group of people standing in support of him.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
Take the guns away from the people, the easier it is to control the people, I suggest this is the eventual aim,
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Canada already had strict gun laws. I don't see that they needed this new law but I don't know enough about it.
All I have heard is that its a freeze.

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