UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
Endless war contribute big chunk of revenue for weapon manufacture,each year they paid millions of dollar in lobbying spending to influence defence policy.Its all about monitize a conflict.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@UsernameAlreadyInUse In the US they often own the media too so you never hear about it.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I mean it's fair to be horrified at how a despotic theocracy has quickly overtaken Afghanistan and that terrible things are likely to happen to a huge number of people as a result.
The issue here is selective empathy and the fact the Taliban remaining in control of Afghanistan for the last 20 years (if they lasted that long) would have likely resulted in LESS suffering than the American occupation caused.
Like in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was bad but the Americans were 1000x worse.
The issue here is selective empathy and the fact the Taliban remaining in control of Afghanistan for the last 20 years (if they lasted that long) would have likely resulted in LESS suffering than the American occupation caused.
Like in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was bad but the Americans were 1000x worse.
Kumbayakid · 61-69, M
@CountScrofula do you really think women would have been better off for the last twenty years under Taliban rule?
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
The more we study the methods of the Taliban, the more we can understand Trump’s GOP, they are basically the same platform.
Kumbayakid · 61-69, M
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Well said. The US was wanting a colony. Rich in minerals for US mining interests and a place for military and air bases to attack other countries. That is why the US is in Germany and Japan 80 years later.
Rickg · 31-35, M
There seemed to be no will to fight them amongst the afghanis
So there you go
A country has to decide its own course
So there you go
A country has to decide its own course
Kumbayakid · 61-69, M
Jake966 · 56-60, M
I guess you don’t know anyone who served over there
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Eternity · 26-30, M
@Jake966 the internet is a thing now dude. I am well versed in the history of this dumb war.
After 9/11 Afghanistan sheltered the Taliban, who claimed responsibility for the strikes. Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan in order to bring osama bin laden to justice and to destroy the taliban so as to "liberate" Afghanistan.
The main motivation for bin laden attacking the US was because we helped to create the state of Israel which displaced thousands of Palestinian muslims; kicking them out of their homes and treating them like criminals for fighting back.
So basically, this whole mess in the middle east started when we stuck or noses where it didn't belong.
We should stop doing that. We have no right especially since our shit doesn't exactly smell like roses.
After 9/11 Afghanistan sheltered the Taliban, who claimed responsibility for the strikes. Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan in order to bring osama bin laden to justice and to destroy the taliban so as to "liberate" Afghanistan.
The main motivation for bin laden attacking the US was because we helped to create the state of Israel which displaced thousands of Palestinian muslims; kicking them out of their homes and treating them like criminals for fighting back.
So basically, this whole mess in the middle east started when we stuck or noses where it didn't belong.
We should stop doing that. We have no right especially since our shit doesn't exactly smell like roses.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@Eternity we went to Saudi Arabia and pushed back Saddam back to Iraq and out of Kuwait where his soldiers were killing innocent children and raping women and killing males . Bin Ladan got mad that Americans were treading on Muslim ground and devised the plan which played out on 9-11
Kumbayakid · 61-69, M
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Lol clueless