Where There's Smoke, Perhaps They're's Some Fire In Afghanistan
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I'd commented here and there on posts that different members had posted regarding our great Afghanistan debacle, but as I sat back and thought after each one I read or replied to, I could only shake my head. I'd like to have seen Afghanistan succeed and gain it's feet, kick out the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, as well as see Pakistan receive a kick in the balls for it's harboring of them. In one of my replies earlier I had mentioned Ahmed Massoud, and how the Taliban needed him dead because he and his Northern Alliance really were that good at kicking their ass pre-911. Their natural fortress in the Hindu Kush mountains northeast of Kabul was never overrun, and ably defended by Massoud and his men. Sadly, Massoud was assassinated two days before the Twin Towers fell in New York, so his story was never really understood by the American public.Fast forward 20 years on, everything seems to be fading to black, and with the great debacle underway, there is no hope....or.....is there?
Credits to Coffee or Die (Black Rifle Coffee} for a fine article.