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Tour Of Japan - Pt 2

On the opposite side of the island (Hokkaido), and further inland, sits Akan Mashu National park, home of natural hotsprings and such crystal clear lakes. Miles and miles of some of the most amazing views in the world. It’s one of Japan’s oldest national parks. We only touched upon it really. You could be walking for weeks on end and not see everything.

Mary says it’s one of her favourite places to go in Japan.

Then we have Daisetsuzan National Park, which is further inland. The largest national park in Japan, this one is home of more mountains and, I think, more what I personally think of the more rural Japan.

Guess it’s all those Akira Kurosawa movies that I’ve watched!

So, yes, pretty much 4 days of walking! Thank goodness that I broke those boots in before coming!

Myself, Ade and Mary stayed in a central property - not a hotel - and we attempted to make meals and things but, compared to Mary...phew! We were slow coaches, as we say in the UK.

Everyone is efficient. Everyone does things with detail and such care.

Foodwise? There’s lots of fish. Freshly caught. Seaweed. Noodles. Rice. Beef. Spiced and seasoned to perfection. I love stir fry’s anyways so it was fascinating to get little details from Mary on how to cook things a little more authentically. Of course (groans!) there’s always a McDonalds around many corners too.

The local people? They seemed nice. As Mary was our interpreter we talked to a lot of people that most definitely we wouldn’t have met on our own.

Because of the age difference between myself and Ade, a few people did think we were ‘daddy and daughter’, so there was a lot of clearing that up. I, myself, seemed to attract a lot of the older gentlemen to talk to, which might have had something to do with my blonde hair - I tended to stick out - but, yes, it was fascinating.

We chatted to some people that were either just born after the war had ended - WWII - or were telling tales of their grandparent’s experience during the war and that felt pretty special.

Weatherwise? Cold! Down to minus 9 at times, I believed. A little snow too at times, A lot of snow at others...and then...no snow!

It's been a wonderful, varied, 4 days in Hokkaido...

Onwards to Honshu.

Sarah 💋
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Stephie · 22-25, F
You were lucky to have been able to interact with elderly people in Japan. They tend to be more distant than the young ones.

Definitely, your blonde hair makes you stand out and the fact that you have someone that speaks Japanese is a door opener. Society and culture is relatively stiff and as a Westerner, you will never really be considered one of them, even if you live in Japan for half of your life.

I did experience the exact same in South Korea that I visited a few times.

Again, great pictures and thanks for giving us an insight.
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
@Stephie Indeed. It felt very special. Mary was with us that 1st week and then the 3rd and we did notice that drop-off from the locals in that 2nd week.

Sarah 💋
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Beautiful pictures!
I first read it as, " freshly caught seaweed" !
Smelled of sulpher on the island around the volcanos?

Any cherry blossums further south?
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
@Tastyfrzz Spoiler alert.....it may be in other parts of this narrative.

Sarah 💋
Babe wake up we have weeb rp on SW now

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