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Tour Of Japan - Pt 1

We travel up to Manchester, very early in the morning. Glass of wine to start the holiday off and get aboard the flight.

Manchester, UK to Tokyo, Japan takes around 12 hrs. We got the direct route, rather than the one-stop version, which would add a further 6 hrs onto our journey.

Coming into Tokyo is just amazing! A sea of different coloured lights! A beautiful man-made structure that partly took my breath away and partly excited me.

We had a lovely hotel - Western - overnight and then, next day travelled - via the infamous train system - up to Hokkaido, which is the most northern of the main islands that make up Japan.

The train costs around £125 each and takes just about 4 hrs to get there. Approx 548 miles travelled...and, naturally, on time.

It’s worth noting that Japan isn’t just one land mass, but actually made up of over 14,000 islands! Which is just....crazy! What is known as Japan is actually made up of 5 islands.

As luck would have it, and Ade’s connections, business-wise, with both China and Hong Kong, one of his work friends, who likes to be called ‘Mary’ (there’s a lot of anglicised names in the Far East, I am led to believe) meets us and acts as our own tour guide.

She’s over for a little break and spends the 1st and 3rd weeks with us. She’s over often and knows some of the out-of-the-way places to visit.

Very honoured!

Interesting facts on Hokkaido; It was very nearly under Russian rule, is the 3rd largest Island of the 5 main ones and is the least densely populated part of Japan. So, ease myself in.

There’s lots of beauty around. They have this collection of fantastic National parks, complete with bears and such, with an amazing lakes. We spent a couple of days there, just taking it all in.

Japan you see as this most technological area of the world, and as I found out - it was - but the beauty and scenery are breathtaking. Really. Clear skies. Clear lakes. Mount Rausu (not a mountain, but a composite volcano....elevation around 5, 500 ft) which is in the Shiretoko Peninsular.

Lots of fellow tourist, some Americans but a lot of locals and Japanese from the South.


Sarah 💋
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A great overview and well written. I've worked there a few times. I also loved Korea.. Enjoy your visit, and take lots of pictures.
SammyJo · 51-55, F
Those mountains look...huge! Lol! Beautiful!

Glad you had a lovely time!

SJD xx
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I read that the population is in serious decline there. Any evidence of that?
Any interesting foods?
Any trouble communicating?
The three weeks sure went by fast!
@Tastyfrzz Japan along with Korea and China have seriously low birth rates so yeah
Stephie · 22-25, F
Nice picture and interesting account. Thanks for sharing.

Looking forward to part 2 and beyond.

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