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The obnoxious lie that Arabs have special hate for Jews 🤷‍♀

No one has tolerated and accepted Jews more than Arabs in all of history . Literally none.

1/ Arabs during Pre Islamic times :

it was people like the Babylonians and Romans who exiled the Jews from their land and NOT the Arabs. Arabs welcomed the Jews who were exiled and they settled in Medina/yathrib and Yemen and khaybar and across the peninsula living side by side to the Arabs . In fact they fit in so well that Yemen at some point decided to convert to Judaism .
If you are religious you’d also remember how even before their exile the Arabs accepted Ishmael who was removed from his Jewish community
They embraced this outsider and Ishmael married an Arabian woman
(Ishmael didn’t create the Arabs as some believe rather he married an Arab woman)

How much more accepting can these people be ?

2/ Arabs During the life of Mohammed :

Mohammed left Mecca due to abuse by Meccan pagans and went to another town called Medina where people accepted his message and appointed him as their leader and in Medina he created a Muslim state and gave all of the local Jews who resided in Medina and refused to convert to Islam
all of their rights and he did not displace them based on their religion
Below is the constitution of Medina
made by Mohammed ( Most Muslim historians have accepted the authenticity of the Constitution of medina) :

(You can go read more about it as that does not show the full constitution)

In fact Jews in Medina used to even go to prophet Mohammed to judge between them. I’m sure they wouldn’t have gone to Mohammed if they thought he’s a bad person.

lastly, there are verses in the Quran that were literally revealed to protect a Jew who was accused of theft in Medina with no evidence even though he didn’t do it
The verses are in chapter 4 of the Quran from verse 105 to 113 (you can go look up those verses on the internet )

a summary of the commentary of Muslim scholars (like Ibn Kathir ) of the verses above :
Basically a Muslim man called Tu‘ma b. Ubayriq stole a coat of mail and hid it with a Jew. When it was discovered with the latter, Tu‘ma accused him of having stolen it, and swore by God that he [Tu‘ma] had not stolen it, and his clan asked the Prophet (s) to advocate on his behalf and absolve him, so the verses above were revealed to protect the Jew who was blamed for a sin he didn’t do.

3/ Arabs during Islam but after the death of prophet Mohammed:

When Umar caliph conquered Jerusalem from Byzantine empire during the Muslim Arab conquests in the 7th century
there was no Jews mostly Christians but he allowed Jews to return and do their religious activities

It is a known historical fact that Arab Muslim empires ( rashidun , ummayd , Abbasid , Fatimid )
were FAR FAR more tolerant of Jews than any other empire in the world especially when you compare them to their Christian counterparts. In fact most of the world’s Jews was under Muslim Arab empires .

“Leon Poliakov writes that in the early ages of Islam, Jews enjoyed great privileges, and their communities prospered. No laws or social barriers restricted their commercial activities, and exclusive trade and craft guilds like those in Europe did not exist. Jews who moved to Muslim lands found themselves free to engage in any profession, resulting in less stigma than in Europe where such restrictions were still in force.[9]:58 This, coupled with more intense Christian persecution, encouraged many Jews to migrate to areas newly conquered by Muslims and establish communities there.”

there is a historical consensus that Jews thrived in rashidun ummayd and Abbasid Arab Muslim empires while they suffered in their christain counterparts at that time.

4/ modern world.

The modern hate Arabs have is for the state of Israel , the settlers that make up that state and all of the supporters of that state and not jews specifically.
It was a reaction to Zionism and British colonialism.
It is when British arrogance decided to give a land to a people who came from abroad (doesn’t matter if u claim u came from it 4000 years ago )
while the land already had people residing in it in their cities and towns
And those foreigners wanted the land for them
Which ended with the subsequent displacement of 70% of the locals when they “outrageously “ refused to give up their homes farms jobs memories community identity inheritance etc (1948 nakba)
and the subsequent Israeli-Palestinian conflict that continue until this day. Conflict is a confusing word it’s more befitting to say occupied ppl under the feet of nuclear abusive regime.

Despite that Arab governments have been willing to accept this cancerous gland planted by colonial britian and have been advocating for a two state solution but it is Israeli government that does not want a two state solution
And you can take a look at the likud charter and Benjamin is part of the likud party. Likud basically wants all the land from the river to the sea.
If you ever been told that the Arab world does not want two state solution and it is USA & Israel that do
I’m sorry but you have been lied to.
So honestly I have zero sympathy
Under international law , Israel is an illegal occupation an apartheid regime coupled with settler violence (yes before the 7th of Oct )
7th of Oct was Israel reaping what it sew.
If Israel would ever get a shred of my understanding that would only happen after a comprehensive peace solution.

Extra notes :

5/ I often come across people who try so hard to portray Arabs as people who are jealous of Jews.
For f*cks sake 😂😂😂
Any un bias person who reads history would know that Arab history is far superior I am not trying to be racist
Nor do I claim Arab history to have been the most influential in the world however I am doing a fair comparison .

Jews have virtually no history besides the ancient kingdom of Israel which was brief plus most Jews believe they originate from Iraq where Abraham comes from
Meanwhile Arabs have a rich pre Islamic history of endless different civilizations and kingdoms
And after Islam , rich powerful and influential empires.
In fact Hebrew literally died so hard
When your culture is influential and flourishing your language doesn’t die .
Believe me as a Saudi I have 0 reason to be jealous of Jewish history using simple logic.

and even the history of ancient kingdom of Israel isn’t solely theirs.
It is part of Palestinian history
Not all Jews were exiled there were people who converted to Christianity and remained.
There is a genetic consensus that Palestinians genetically decedent from ancient Canaanites and Israelites .

6/ I know that someone in the comments will say “what about the time when Mohammed fought the 3 Jewish tribes of Medina “

Jews are so desperate that they will go back 1400 years to a story which we only have Islamic sources of to portray a time when they were a victim 😂 either way they were not a victim as stated in point 2 Mohammed gave Jews in Medina all of their rights
It is treason that led to certain Jewish tribes getting punished .
Can we talk about Jewish Himyarite kingdom and their persecution of Christians?
Or Jews pioneering in slavery business ?
Jews support of apartheid South Africa ?
Or how the state of Israel was created by militia that displaced 70% of the residents of the land and is the most condemned nation by the UN?

Jews sometimes were persecuted and other times were the persecutor. All humans are dirty and the same.

Jewish victim mentality is obnoxious , go get a life.
In fact I have more examples of Arabs persecuting each other than Arabs persecuting Jews 😂😭

Note: this post is about arabs specifically and NOT middle easterners Or Muslims Or whatever else
Jews definitely were treated better in the Arab world than they were in Europe. However, explaining the modern Arab hostility toward Jews as "they're just mad about Israel" inevitably leads to the question of why so many people whose lives are unaffected by Israel's presence are so hostile toward it. It's not out of true concern for the Palestinians, as Egypt and Jordan could easily have taken Gaza and the West Bank back after the Six-Day War and then granted them independence. Palestinians are also kept in permanent, multi-generational refugee status in most of the countries they're in.

You are absolutely correct about Arabs persecution of other Arabs being far worse than Arab persecution of Jews. However, this gets almost no attention in the West to the point where very few people are even aware of it.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Israel was created by filthy militia and settler colonialism , it is still Sustained by settler colonialism And heading to a future with more settler colonialism with all the illegal settlements in the West Bank etc
With the likud party being the one in power.

The -root - again the -root of the issue is not ab Palestinians wanting a state of their own or not
but the mass displacement of human beings from their settlements

For instance Saudi Arabia could have ended up not getting created , it could have ended up becoming many different smaller countries than one big Saudi Arabia
that does not mean ppl did not exist in their ancient settlements in what we today refer to as Saudi Arabia.

To illustrate what I mean a filthy Russian based Jew sent a letter to lord Balfour suggesting making East Arabia the location of the Jewish state which meant settler colonialism and displacement of the locals of those lands to create a majority FOREIGN Jewish demographic

Let us assume all of what’s happening in Israel is happening in my city instead
My city is in the eastern region of Saudi
What would be your opinion?
There is a difference between conquest and settler colonialism
My city was conquered by ottomans Al saud Portuguese etc but we were not displaced and replaced and that was even before the Vienna convention let me remind u how the mass displacement of the locals of historic Palestine happened after the Vienna convention.

I do not understand what part of home theft and displacement is hard for u to understand .

The state of Israel was created by nazis whom most of Israelis find a lot of pride in and even follow them in their footsteps

Disguising entity and this is why most of the people in the middle east with all of their inner fighting and differences have mostly agreed to hate Israel 👟

If I ever sympathize with that entity

it would only be if I ever see a shred of good will and change of mindset .
This is why I for instance respect btsalem Israeli human right organization
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
[@NerdyPotatomt second most sophisticated post of mine
And ur always the victim

Cuz ur my only friend on this site where I don’t bother to meet anyone and just vent 😂😂😂😂
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