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World's Happiest Countries

Here are the top 20 "Happiest" countries according to the annual World Happiness Report.


An interesting element is that only two of these countries, Canada and the UK, have a population of more than 30 million. The U.S. with a population of roughly 330 million, was #23.

New Zealand
Costa Rica
United Kingdom
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Ynotisay · M
@LandOfOz That was my initial thought too. Have to assume the data was acquired before the attack. But even then, a lot of Israel has tensions.
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Finland is very well known for a high suicide rate and they need counselors in schools because students often need help managing their mood due to a lack of daylight during winter. On the other hand, their system is very good.
Ynotisay · M
@CrazyMusicLover I got curious. It's actually a far less suicide rate than the U.S. That's true of all the Nordic countries.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Ynotisay This is interesting. I remember that in the past, they were saying that Finland and Hungary had it the worst.

Ynotisay · M
@CrazyMusicLover I was a little surprised too because I've seen articles on the correlation between suicide and a lack of sunlight. But according to WHO it looks like poverty, and violent environments, might drive it more. Although S. Korea has a high rate so there might be some societal pressures involved too.
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Not a surprise tbh. Most of those countries are “ first world “ countries. It makes sense.
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
I wonder if one could cross referene that with the gini index and GDP of those countries and find a pattern.
Ynotisay · M
@robertsnj Good question. Got me curious. Per the GINI index it appears that the Nordic countries represent the lowest levels of wealth disparity in the world. In the top ten, both Israel and Australia were substantially higher. As is the U.S. Slovakia had the overall lowest. Generally lower poverty rates too.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
New Zealand has unsurprisingly dropped out of the top ten. 😕
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novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@BlueGreenGrey No. The country was divided when the previous Prime Minister imposed a Covid mandate a week after she said publicly that she wouldn't. As a result, large numbers of people lost their jobs. The country became camps of the vaxxed, who thought the PM walked on water, and the unvaxxed, who doubted her claims that an untested vaccine would protect them and prevent transmission of the virus. The scars of that divide remain today, with a lot of resentment towards authority. The previous government was also soft on crime, with the result that figures for theft, burglary, assault and retail crime have soared. The country has experienced soaring inflation due to the previous government's failed fiscal efforts to get the country through the extended periods of lockdown. As a result, housing and rent costs have soared, and many more people are dependent on food banks. Overworked doctors and nurses have left in droves for other countries, particularly Australia, where they can earn much more in less stressed conditions, and where the cost of living is lower. Consequently the health sector is in crisis.
Lots of cold places
Ynotisay · M
@sstronaut Yeah. Not sure if it's a coincidence.
@Ynotisay I don't think it is, there is a pretty good track record that heat increases crimes.

And it's lower when chilly, though maybe that's just because people are inside and not wondering around like they would be when it's warm.
Ynotisay · M
@sstronaut You're right. Most riots have taken place in hot weather too. I like the cold and a lot of the big cities in Nordic countries actually have pretty mild weather. What is a little different, especially to the north, is sunlight. But I guess if that's all you know you adjust.
Lilymoon · F
I'd be happier if I moved to the U.S.
Are Canadians really happy with the weather, the taxes and the unavailable healthcare? 👀

How did they measure happiness anyway?
@CrazyMusicLover I heard people die while waiting for a specialist to be available
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Ynotisay · M
@Reserved How did they measure? The link will go in to that as well as some other findings.
But as a side note. More Americans are dissatisfied with their healthcare than in any industrialized nation on earth. Probably because we're the only nation that doesn't have government run care. We pay the most and get the least. That's the truth.
Canadians I know are very thankful for their system. I've also heard them say that not having the fear of not being treated or going bankrupt because of costs permeates society and how people interact. Is everyone going to be happy all the time? Will everything go smoothly? Of course not. Reality dictates that. Their tax rate is also comparable to the U.S and a lot of people would MUCH prefer to live in northern areas instead of deserts and muggy swamps. I know I would. And many of the big cities aren't exactly crazy harsh winter environments. It's like New York or Seattle.
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@BlueGreenGrey I heard Estonia is currently the bomb. Their life standard allegedly skyrocketed in recent years.
Swedes are known for traveling to south during the winter, as well as for lengthy vacations during the summer.
I think that native Scandinavians are pretty well accustomed to local climate, they don't see it as dramatically as people living in the southern parts but a lack of daylight might be still a problem for some.
Elessar · 26-30, M
they don't see it as dramatically as people living in the southern parts
* The hoodies with 24.9°C folk has joined the chat *
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