BlueVeins · 22-25
Oh, that's today? I didn't realize. I think Trump is gonna completely obliterated everyone. Nikki would be better for the general, so they're making a critical error.
Djac17 · 22-25, M
@BlueVeins That’s where we disagree. I will vote third party if Nikki is ANYWHERE on the Republican ticket. I don’t even care if Trump picks her as his running mate. No chance I will vote for her and no amount of my Grandpa being all like “Trust the plan!!!” will get me to vote for that

@Djac17 What is more important to you, Trump as president or Biden out? If the latter, vote Nikki Haley; she beats Biden by 17 points in a match-up. Trump is a toss-up at best.
KunsanVeteran · M
Record low turn out. Those that actually braved the weather were probably his most ardent supporters and only slightly more than half of those caucused for him. I wonder how many actually froze to death for him like he asked them to—reportedly none.
On exit polling, fully one third said that they would never vote for Quad Indicted.
Not exactly a “red wave”—more like yet another “red fizzle.”
On exit polling, fully one third said that they would never vote for Quad Indicted.
Not exactly a “red wave”—more like yet another “red fizzle.”
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