Rudy The Red Nosed Disgraced Former Lawyer
Fighting to keep his NY Yankees rings—says they’re family heirlooms which he gifted to his son on his 18th birthday.
Awww, per kid. Except that his old man is a pathological lawyer or—immediately after he was found GUILTY OF DEFAMATION—again defamed Moss and Freeman ON TAPE and has obstructed, delayed, and attempted to cheat on paying off his penalty.
Red Nosed, guess what? If you’d SOBER UP maybe you’d realize absolutely no one feels sorry for you. At least YOUR FAMILY ISN’T GETTING DEATH THREATS!
Awww, per kid. Except that his old man is a pathological lawyer or—immediately after he was found GUILTY OF DEFAMATION—again defamed Moss and Freeman ON TAPE and has obstructed, delayed, and attempted to cheat on paying off his penalty.
Red Nosed, guess what? If you’d SOBER UP maybe you’d realize absolutely no one feels sorry for you. At least YOUR FAMILY ISN’T GETTING DEATH THREATS!