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The «you're the gender you're assigned at birth» folk

Forgot to switch accounts, or she truly identifies like she says?

and I've been Black all my life
In case someone assumes she could've pulled a reverse Michael Jackson?
Eh, Joey! From da neighborhood! How's Mamma Mannarino doin'? She still cookin' her amazing meatball sauce? Hey, Frankie! Frankie! Get ovah he-er! THIS is Joey, Joey Mannarino--you remember me tellin' you about him? You know that amazing meatball sauce I keep mentioning? It's JOEY's Mamma who makes it! Come here, meet dah guy, give him some respect!
@SomeMichGuy I cannot stop laughing at this 🤣
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I'm a true Martian Green something and I've been green all my life.

I was born Green and I will die Green.

My mommy was Yellow. My daddy was blue. That's why I'm green.

I will NEVER cast a ballot for that Zorlix Eagerflame wannabe Martian ruler as long as I live

Thallax Xylorin, all the way, and everyday
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James25 · 61-69, M
It's like she doesn't have enough sense to turn on the lights in a dark room so she can actually see what's there
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