If you could take only ONE book series with you on a one-way trip to paradise...what would it be??For me, I would take the Wheel of Time, or MAYBE Lord of the Rings. :)
how do you take care of an old paperback bookread an old vintage paperback without any pages falling loose? i have quite a lot of old paperbacks and i'm scared to read any of them in case pages come loose..
how do you take care of an old paperback bookread an old vintage paperback without any pages falling loose? i have quite a lot of old paperbacks and i'm scared to read any of them in case pages come loose..
is etzy a good place to buy old booksi usually get some vintage books from ebay or sometimes amazon....but someone on youtube mentioned a site called 'etzy' is it spelt? is that a good place to get vintage books? just looking for other places to purchase books.
My hurdy gurdy collectionG.I. Gurdjieff 1. Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson 2. Meetings With Remarkable Men 3. Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am' 4. In Search of Being -- which is like a compilation of the above and maybe some extra stuff P.D. Ouspensky 5. Tertium... See More » (6)
Returned to the book storeIt’s been a while. I was amazed that series I’d enjoyed before are no longer there. Dragonlance, for instance. All those books are gone from the store in town. Maybe a smaller shop would have older titles. I used to have so many of those books. I los... See More »
What should be the next title in the Dogman series?Dogman is a series of children’s books by Dav Pilkey about an anthropomorphic dog superhero. Most titles in the series are titles of classic literature adapted to dog themes, such as Lord of the Fleas, Fetch-22, and, the title to be released next... See More »
loose pages in a paperback, what to doi have some really good books, paperbacks, old books which i prefer over anything modern.....but in one or two books, there's a few loose pages and i wondered is there anything i can do about it?