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California bad. Me state good. *grunts*

Yes you're right.

But here are some humble facts about our inferior state:

We are the 5th largest economy in the world, and that's comparing it to other countries . We run on such a high surplus, we provide food assistance to anyone, no proof required. Other states have rejected the affordable care act but with Covered California, the state will either subsidize your insurance, or give free insurance if you are at poverty level.

There are states that send their "illegals" here in busses thinking they're getting the better of us because we are a sanctuary state. We feed and house these poor immigrants and are grateful to have them. Most are families looking for refuge, escaping horrible, violent conditions in their own countries. We provide them with legal representation and help them apply for asylum. In turn they become good, tax-paying citizens. We at glad to have them, because other states won't take care of them like we do. People are not illegal. This earth belongs to us all. They are merely undocumented .

So much more. I'd encourage you to listen to this interview, conducted by FOX NEWS to further hear how bad it is. Here's my well-despised and incompetent governor, Gavin Newsom.
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Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
It must be nice to have a governor who doesn't hate minorities. Texas may be the world capital of energy but they can't seem to keep the lights on. The utility companies aren't getting enough handouts from the state government.

This country couldn't run without immigrants doing the work Americans refuse.
pdockal · 56-60, M

What does that even mean ?
@pdockal namaste, my friend
pdockal · 56-60, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
This is so fake facts on the food stamp situation. ID is absolutely required first in all of California! It doesn't matter what your situation is. Anyone's application will be denied without identification. And identification requires a birth certificate if you have never had any type of US identification.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@pdockal please, I could have points with this as well. Not the place to do so. You're yelling fire in a crowded theater.
@DeWayfarer You go with your badass Wiccan bodhisattva liberal self! 💜
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
He is eloquent and intelligent.
@bijouxbroussard I'm jealous. 😞
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard I grew up in California, and it will always be home to me. I love California.
@TheFlippantSide The photos don’t do him justice.
BlueVeins · 22-25
There are some things about California that are really great such as its low-carbon energy infrastructure and high speed rail projects, but y'all really have to get your zoning codes under control.
Iwillwait · M
Cali gets a bad rap. I think California is Awesome. The cost of living sux but the state is great.
@Iwillwait For what you are provided, in comparison to other states, it's really not. 💜
Scribbles · 36-40, F
I Love California!
Our state has also provided assistance for girls & women needing to make reproductive choices their home states prohibit.
pdockal · 56-60, M
I'm glad you think California is the place for you
pdockal · 56-60, M
@pdockal 💜
pdockal · 56-60, M

Thank you
metaldog · 51-55, F
You should write a book with that title 😆
@metaldog Maybe some day. I'll call it "A love letter to my conservative family"
@TheFlippantSide well said
Dino11 · M
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
California is awesome. Wouldn’t live in any other state (Hawaii, and San Juan Islands, okay, 6 months of the year).
Your carpetbaggers invade other states, disrupting their politics and cultures. They did it to Oregon, Nevada, attempting with Arizona and Texas, and now I'm seeing more and more cali plates where I currently live in the middle of nowhere iowa.
@NativePortlander1970 Sorry you can't think for yourselves. I'll talk to Gavin about that.
@TheFlippantSide Newsom can go fuck himself, he's a disaster

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