Christian Zionism is not consistent with Christianity!
As someone with significant Jewish ancestry, I want to emphasize that the Bible is clear: Jesus Christ was the Messiah, and the prophecies were fulfilled through Him. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus explicitly states that He came to fulfill “the Law and the Prophets.”
Despite what Jesus said, many Christians have been duped into believing that Jewish people are uniquely special and destined to have authority over the rest of us. I've got news for you: the only thing that Zionists are destined for is getting their butts kick, as they did in WWII.
You can call me "antisemitic" all you like. I have no issue expressing my disdain for Zionist ideologies, and I won’t hesitate to make my opposition known in no uncertain terms.
Despite what Jesus said, many Christians have been duped into believing that Jewish people are uniquely special and destined to have authority over the rest of us. I've got news for you: the only thing that Zionists are destined for is getting their butts kick, as they did in WWII.
You can call me "antisemitic" all you like. I have no issue expressing my disdain for Zionist ideologies, and I won’t hesitate to make my opposition known in no uncertain terms.