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I Thank God For That

I'll be thanking and praising God all night my frends. When I was writing earlier posts I had to pray. Only true Christians would understand why. My friends, Its a good idea to pray everyday and ask God for a covering. I thank God for protection. I will continue to give God thanks and praise. I know the devil and some people hate it when I share my faith. But I enjoy sharing my faith because God has done many wonderful things for me. He has healed me many times. He has also delivered me from an addiction I battled for almost fifteen years. So why not share it? I would love for someone who does not know Jesus to experience healing and deliverance too. Why? because I care about people. Even people who may hate me.I still love them. Because love is of God and hate is of the devil. I love you guys. I pray you experience Jesus and He blesses you beyond your wildest dreams.
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saintsong · 41-45, F
It took a supernatural miracle for my husband to quit doing Meth because God spoke to him! And delivered him overnight! He’s been clean 15 years!
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@saintsong Wow Thank you Jesus!!
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@saintsong Praise God! He works in different ways and mysterious ways. Amen.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I thank Jesus for you and my recent healing. I, too, have received other healings and am very humbled and thankful for them. It is my prayer that many will see that God is real and He loves us beyond all understanding, and many will turn to Him. I'm also very thankful for this group. This is my first time here.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Thank you for sharing with us. 🙏
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@SweetMae Amen sister. I pray God covers you and blesses you and gives you prosperity and joy this year.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@Kellieca Thank you! God bless you and Congratulations on beating your addiction.
Thank you, and may you be blessed as well.

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