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I Thank You God

...For this country whose creation was built with You at it's heart. I thank You for the beautiful lives we are able to live here. For freedom and liberty; for jobs, schools, homes, businesses. For luxuries some people couldn't envision. I thank you for humbling us anyway when we need it. I thank you that we are protected by law from so many atrocities. I'm so sorry, God, so sorry that despite these laws we commit such heinous sins against our fellow man and against You. I pray that you will heal the souls of those who have been broken. Heal our nation, Lord. I ask that you help this president of ours do better. To be a better man to his fellow man. He's so undignified on so many levels, but I have faith that with Your help he can be a good man, one who serves his country with courage and respect. One whom I could respect. It would take a miracle, and I believe in miracles. I pray for one now.

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