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Getting closer to God is a lifelong journey that requires intention, dedication, and an open heart.

There are many ways to get closer to God, including:

Set aside time each day to talk to God, and express your hopes, fears, and desires.

Reading and studying the Bible is a great way to get closer to God.

Church services can provide a sense of community, guidance, support, and accountability.

Joining a small group or connecting with other believers in your community can be beneficial.

Look for opportunities to help those less fortunate, such as volunteering, supporting a charitable cause, or being there for a friend.

Thank God for your blessings, both big and small.

Give the best of every part of your life to God, including time, money, possessions, and thought.

Participate in a public gathering of believers to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Also, repenting of sins, can help you get closer to God.

Writing in your journal and writing to God about what is going on, can really help you feel better.

Whether it's through spoken words or silent meditation, prayer can center you, renew your faith, and bring you closer to your heavenly Father. Commit yourself to a regular practice of prayer, trusting that as you seek God's will, he will guide your steps and lead you on the path of righteousness.

Also if we keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus, this really helps us feel closer to God. He loves fellowshipping with us. Just like any other friend we would get to know... the more we spend time with them, the closer we get. Same thing with the Lord. It would be a shame to just go to him only when we want or need something. We don't want to neglect the Lord, after all he has done for us. No one will ever love us like Jesus.

We also feel better when we keep our hearts away from negative or toxic people. When we stay away from scary movies and such. Those are not really of God. There's plenty of wonderful movies out there about God and his miracles and even the different people of the Bible.

But I believe the best and first way to get close to God, is to repent of our sins, so we can be cleansed of all unrighteousness and have the right relationship and fellowship between God and us. It only takes a simple prayer asking him to forgive us of our sins and to come into our hearts and lives as our Savior. He promises to save all who come to him. If you don't know what to say in prayer, here is just a sample you can read and get an idea of how to pray and then pray to God from your heart, in your own words:

"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
I love how you simplify such broad subjects which take a lifetime of learning for Christians, into an article and provide great advice!

For me going to church and fellowshiping, midweek Bible Study, morning devotionals and regular prayer time.

For married individuals such as me, we need to have regular prayer with our spouses, not just pray to ourselves.
Sutten · 36-40, F
Thank you for posting this.

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