Satan Could Care Less About You!
God gave us control over our own selves and to make our own decisions, yes, but there's just one thing that we have no control over, and that's why we need Jesus.
There's nothing insulting about Jesus wanting to save us. He didn't have to die on the cross, so we would be sure go to heaven when we die, but he did! In fact, he volunteered to die for our sins. How much more could someone show that they love you, than to die for you, just so you could go to heaven?!! It was an act of pure love, and something I am very grateful for. If it weren't for him, I would go to hell when I die. I see it as a blessing and miracle that God would even love a sinner like me, enough to die to pay for my sins. Satan sure could care less!
All anyone has to do, is look at the evil in this world, and that tells us why we need Jesus. I've got good news for you. God's grace is never beyond the statute of limitation. His grace covers all, for all time. That covers everyone who will allow Jesus to save them and that's why he came. To save us from the consequences and condemnation that sin placed on us. We have power over everything but our own sins. We don't have the power to erase them and make us ready for heaven. Jesus hated religion, too, because religion tries to state that it can save people, but religion is nothing but man-made philosophy. It was not religion that died on the cross to save us from our sins. It was Jesus, and religion is just man made philosophy. Religion will never get anyone to heaven. The religious leaders of Jesus' time, used to stand outside and squinch up their faces to look like they were praying to God in earnest, to make people think they were so holy, but God saw through them, that their hearts were not even for God, and he rebuked them.
You understand that sin DOES have consequences. That's smart thinking! Sin, causes eternal seperation from God, UNTIL we ask Jesus to save us. Sin cannot enter into heaven or it wouldn't BE heaven, and the Bible says we can't save ourselves by doing good things. Only the blood of Jesus can wipe away our sins, as we go to Him in prayer and ask Him for forgiveness, and He turns no one away. There's nothing hard about doing that, unless ego stops us, and it's something that everyone in the world is required to do, if they expect to have an eternal home in heaven. If we could have saved our own selves from our own sins, then Jesus would not have had to die on the cross to pay for our sins. But try to save our own selves, and Jesus said that just won't work. If anyone would know how to get to heaven, Common Sense tells us it would be jesus! We are not smarter than jesus, and God the Father did not give man permission, to change his Plan of Salvation. We are people that have sin in our lives and we, therefore, cannot save our own selves, nor erase our own sins. Only Jesus has the power to do that. Only Jesus has the power to conquer sin and death. People who believe they can save themselves, will be sadly mistaken when they cross over and stand before Jesus.