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Will the saved born-again believers, see the Antichrist?

No, at least not in his role as described in Revelation. The partial lifting of the Holy Spirit's influence, precedes the revealing of the Antichrist. That is, the Holy Spirit is hindering evil right now, but once the church age ends, the rebellion will have the upper hand, at least temporarily. At the end of the tribulation, “the Lord Jesus will overthrow the Antichrist with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming” (2 Thessalonians 2:8). The ultimate destruction of evil is sure.

We should note that there will be people who come to faith in Christ during the tribulation period. Many of these people will be Jews who believe in Jesus (Revelation 7). These believers will not only see the Antichrist, but endure severe persecution because of him. These tribulation saints will either die during the tribulation or live to see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19).
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TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
Thanks, i learn so much about how things will be in the future from your posts
@TheWildEcho that is so kind of you. Thank you so much.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Is there any difference between Anti Christ, Satan and the Beast?

Please throw some lights on the above question too.

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