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Intuitive · 46-50, F
One thing I really like about the bible is the part where it says if you ask Jesus forgiveness and really mean it ....it will be done.
@Intuitive the true beauty of that is he’s already forgiven us our sin.

Psalm 103:
“As far as east is from the west
So far does he remove our transgressions from us”

“He forgives all your iniquity”

“He does not deal with us according to our sins
Nor repay us according our to our iniquities”

“As a father has compassion on his children
So too does the Lord show compassion for to those who fear (respect) Him”

This was all written thousands of years before Jesus was even born.
We don’t even have to ask for forgiveness, we just have to accept that he has forgiven us and repent and live lives worthy of the death an eternal God died on our behalf. That’s what’s so crazy about people asking why a loving God would send you to hell… HE ALREADY FORGAVE YOU! You don’t have to GO to hell! Reconcile with Him! The door is OPEN! Walk through it! And experience the transformation of your life as you live how you were designed to live.

It would take a man eternity to pay the price of his own sin, but the eternal God paid for the sin of all in a moment. He forgave us before we knew to ask Him to.

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