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How I met God

Growing up I never understood God or Religion no matter how much it was shoved down my throat. It was something that was just there and I knew I had to believe it because it's what was expected of me.
Only until I found myself in complete despair and emotional pain that I reached out to God, lost, scared and feeling like it was my very last resort.

It may sound corny to those non believers...But once I asked for God to show himself to me and help me through my life, he did and it healed me. The main things I asked god for was clarity, strength and guidance and he certainly delivered. Sometimes I hear God in my head when I ask him a question, and sometimes he shows himself in my life in the most mysterious of ways.

Before God:
-In love with the wrong person
-Self conscious, insecure and felt worthless all the time
-unhappy with myself and my life
-Fearful of death

After God:
-Haven't felt insecure about myself in so long. So confident with my appearance and the person I am, in fact I am GRATEFUL.
-Gained vision about many aspects of my life, including the ability to see how many blessings I have, it makes me so happy everyday so much so that barely anything makes me sad anymore.
-Gained strength to get over heartbreak and gained perspective on why God was doing the things he was to me.
-in general, such a better human and happier person. No fears, no insecurities and feel guided about what I want in life.
-I feel so much more love in life and surround myself in positive things and people who love me
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DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
This reminds me of the time when I was in the lowest point of my life. I prayed and asked god to tell me he loved me and basically to give me some give me some reassurance or encouragement.

I had a dream that night of my bedroom. Except everything in the room was a perfect radiating white. There was a note on the floor and I picked it up and on it was the words “I love you”
My prayer was answered 🙂

Thank you for sharing your lovely testimony 🤗
Pfuzylogic · M
Thank you for your testimony.
Only you know what happened between you and God.
Gratitude is the right place to be!
I am so psyched for you! I'm always hopeful I can reach such an understanding👍
Your mind the inverted tree.

Ignore samthedog hes a troll..

Yes.. you just metaphorically described everything that happens to a tree in nutrient rich soil with the right elements.

Positivity or a good theme is what you submitted your mind to and it gave you, water, sun, and soil to nurture your soul.

Positivity is nourishment, the words of god minus religion, equals life ..
@SW-User lmao.. no.. that's hillarious..

What's more important? Communication with God or a legal practice with god?

Doubtless its communication..

That's why I ckearly stated reading the words of God..

He could give two shits what your like as long as your happy; he just wants to be heard..

If I wanted to dis a God I would cone outright and say it.


Be blessed do have a nice day now..
@Jdanielb Sorry, I misread you 👍
@SW-User dont worry about it.. no harm done..
fellowchristian · 70-79, M
Those who are envious and jealous of fellowmen around never can find peace of mind in their life.
A God centered concience alone can reach to that level. May God bless you.
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
Couldn't agree more... God makes us selfless, kinder, more humble ect. If you have God in your life you'll experience true happiness.@fellowchristian
Thank you for posting this, I had a similar journey and to know that God put others through the same tests is weirdly comforting
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@SW-User It is my pleasure. God does work in mysterious ways and tests our strengths at times for certain reasons
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