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UPDATE: My Life-Changing Miracle From the Lord

I don't know when I have ever felt so humbled and grateful at the same time.

On June 15th, this year, I was diagnosed with Acute DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), a blood clot in my right leg, which was very painful. For anyone who has experienced this, it feels like a sure death sentence, when you're not expecting to hear this. That's because if the clot breaks up, a piece of it can go to your brain, which will either give you a stroke or kill you, or it can travel to your lungs and cut off your oxygen, or give you a fatal heart attack. The statistics say, some die within a few days, while others may last a month, while still, some people in their twenties may live for years with it, not even aware they have it, until it causes big problems. However, at age 76, the doctor didn't give me much hope for survival. Further, the prescribed blood thinners do not guarantee you won't get another clot, or guarantee survival at all.

Statistically, a blood clot can take months or years to totally dissolve. Even a surface clot, which is a very minor issue, can take months to go away, while some never do.

It's a good thing I had my faith in the Lord to guide me and see me through this. Right away, the hospital put me on Xarelto, a potent blood thinner, and two doctors told me if I didn't take it, I would die. However, to me, the side effects from their "life-saving remedy" were far worse and scarier than the threat of the blood clot. It caused me to hemorrhage profusely within about 30 minutes of taking it. I was sent home with this medication, took it the next day, then had to go to emergency again, due to hemorrhaging. Nothing was really done. They said I must keep taking it for six months! That's when I said, "Enough! I cannot live like this.", and never took it again. I decided if I was going to survive this, I would have to let the Lord lead and depend on Him, and that's what I did. Instead of looking at the circumstances and symptoms, I decided to step out on faith, looking only to God's promises, that He would help me, heal me, and get me through this.

Exactly 4 weeks to the day, on July 15th, I went back to the doctor and she asked me if I was taking the blood thinners and I told her no, because they make me hemorrhage too badly. She was very concerned and she asked me if I would be willing to take another ultrasound to see if the clot had gotten any bigger. In my mind, I had to laugh, because it was then, that God's still, small voice spoke to me and said, "They won't find any blood clot."

I was so excited to hear those words from the Lord. Right away, I told the doctor, "Yes! That's what I was hoping we would do!", as I now knew in my heart, no clot would be found. I had the ultrasound that same day, but oddly enough, no results until three days later. I wondered what took so long, as they had the results that same day, but they weren't reporting anything. I guess the technicians were just too shocked to find no blood clot and kept hunting for it, but they could find no clot at all. 😂 My doctor typed in the report: "No DVT found in test results. No need to take blood thinner." She was dumbfounded. Even she couldn't explain that one away, as they never dissolve on their own, in just 4 weeks. ESPECIALLY with taking no blood thinners. It literally takes months, or even a year or more, IF it is going to dissolve at all! I told her, "Looks like we all just experienced a real life miracle!"

I can only praise the Lord, that He had mercy on me and answered me and my family and friend's prayers. I'm living proof, that God is very much alive and real. He is still a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, and Light in the Darkness, and what He did for me, He will do for any who love Him and commit their ways and life to Him. God loves us and cares for us more than anyone ever could, or will.


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Oster1 · M Best Comment
Praise The Lord! I love reading about the miracles, of our Lord and Savior!

Your constant devotion and prayers, to Christ, were heard.

I'm so delighted for you! I was so worried. I'm very grateful and thankful.

I also believe, your work and Ministry, is not finished.

I love you, Grace. Few, have ever been more dedicated and inspiring, to me.

I'm sending you, my best wishes, for continued strengh and ability.

Please take care, OK? I will write to you, very soon.🤗🤗🤗🥰😘💖💐
@Oster1 Thank you, sweet brother. I am humbled how He came to my rescue and once again, saved my life. I love you, too. I'm hoping I'll have many more years of service for Him. 💗🤗🤗🤗🙏☝️😘
Oster1 · M
@LadyGrace Awww, you are the sweetest and kindest Lady, ever!!!

You have been promised, your Ministry, will continue. Congratulations!

Wow, what a blessing, you really received. It's amazing!

Let no one disrespect you, in my presence. I have your back.

Thank you, so much, for BC. I really appreciate you.

Your inspiration and devotions, are tonic, for my soul!


You are a wonderful minister for The Lord, and your messages and posts have helped me so much. I thank The Lord for helping you. ❤️
@SW-User I love them, all the same. They just don't understand these things. That's why they doubt.
@LadyGrace you are bigger than me
@SW-User No sir. I just look at them through God's eyes and that changes everything. He even loved those who nailed Him to the cross, and said, "Father, forgive them! For they know not what they do!" He sees them as people in need of a Savior, like us all. He truly loves them, regardless, but not their sins. If we look at them through His eyes, then loving all is possible. We were once that way, until we learned the truth, so we can fault no one.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Glad to see you back, Grace.
I knew God would heal you and was praying for you.

Our God is an awesome God.
@TheOrionbeltseeker Amen!! He sure is! God is good and merciful. Thank you for your prayers. ❤🤗🙏
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
Thank you so much for this wonderful testimony and praise to our Lord. It's such a blessing to know what the Lord has done for you and will do for others who seek and follow Him. I am beyond grateful to you for sharing this with everyone. God bless you sister Grace.
@luv2fly352 God bless you, and thank you, precious brother, for your continuous support, encouragement, faithfulness to the Lord, Christian example and brotherly love. ❤🤗🙏
Mktonght · 61-69, M
My sweet sister in Christ,
Your healing is what we all, who are believers understands!
God loves you and so do I.
@Mktonght Thank you dear brother in Christ. I love you, too and I am thankful for you.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
Hey, what a comeback!
Nice to see you here again. Welcome onboard SW.
I am happy for ya.
@Peterthe1 Thanks, JonathanSJ!!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
That's brilliant, I'm so glad for you!!
@TheWildEcho Thank you, brother. ❤🤗🙏
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen, sister, amen!! What a powerful testimony. 😀 👍👍 🙏
eyeno · M
Living testimonial that God lives, Amen !

FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I'm glad you're doing better *Hugs*
@FreestyleArt Thanks so much. ❤🤗
Adidas11 · 41-45, M
Oh woman, sure has God healed you. I mean my relative got this and it took him whole 2 years and you saying you got it right in a month without meds?

@Adidas11 Yes, it is. That is proof that God can change lives in a heartbeat, and work miracles in a second. I have medical records to prove it. God is in the miracle business, whether people believe that or not.
Adidas11 · 41-45, M
It is beyond the normal understanding so, I will give full credit to both God and your faith on this.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Good to see you're doing well
@rrraksamam Thank you so much.
Dino11 · M
I am happy for your faith. 🙏
@Dino11 Thank you for reading it.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
Just wondering Did the doctor recommend you any exercise?
@Peterthe1 Not yet.
That's great, Grace! I'm so happy to hear that! 😢🙏
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Thank you from my heart. ❤️🤗

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