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I Am Christian

Why is it that the ancients got signs and miracles out the ass but today we're expected to take god's truth absolutely on faith?

If god truly loves us, even to the extent a human parent loves their child, why is it more important to him that we believe in and worship him without proof than it is to secure the salvation of our immortal souls?
Itsprincess · 26-30, F
Sorry to butt in lol. Faith is needed because when we had our free will and decided to see and live in evil, it separated us from God. I've seen way too many miracles but I understand how people find it hard to believe. But we only have five senses, and know so little about the world yet, so of course with the little scientific knowledge we have now rationally it looks like a god couldn't exist.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

If you can show me a magic trick witnessed and recorded by hundreds of people that shows the healing of the crippled, multiplication of matter and revival from the dead then i'll eat my hat.
But it turns out those things only happened when there was no way to objectively record their veracity.
MarkCaesar · 56-60, M
Isn't it odd the way miracles seemed to dry up as recording and testing devices improved?
The only reason faith is required by religion is that religion can't survive without it. People are directed to NOT question religions because to do so exposes how flimsy they are. Here in Australia, religion is in it's last generation, I think. Church attendances are way down and religions are hurting for money. As the older generations die off we are left with more enlightened and educated generations that have no need for religion.
IF there was a God, can you explain why so many bad things happen? Children getting cancer or many other diseases?
Religion was necessary in the past as a way to unite people into a force for developing the world, that need is gone. Religions are dying an soon to be gone themselves.
Windsylph · F

Interesting question...

Today, we call many things “proof” because we have the advantage of hindsight. However, many religious scholars and researchers agree, there is a fair amount of anecdotal evidence to suggest that the ancients did not embrace what today (looking back) we call proof. Much of what appears as proof today, was actually experienced as intuition or inexplicable events, but not assigned to “proof”.

Historically, proof is a difficult animal to pin down. We doubt proof. We often can't agree unanimously on what proves something.

In my opinion, we receive as much “proof” today, as the ancients did… and we often experience it no more clearly than they did.
This is a brief and simple description. In the early Christian Roman era emperor Constantine needed to gain control so he gathered up certain members of the government and higher-ups and churches and they came up with the new Christian Bible. This is what we read today. He had his army go door to door and destroy all Bibles from people's homes and he threatened to kill anyone who had any other Bible other than one had created. When you create fear or anger you gain control. And he also did this to get more taxes out of his people. So the Bible we read today is has been watered down and changed so much that is probably 1/8 true. Maybe more maybe less. Religion is the belief in someone else's experience and having Blind Faith.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Well the easy answer to suffering is "free will"and "sin".

But yeah, i do think it;s rather telling that the more science advances and the more global awareness develops, the less miraculous events occur
Yeah but then so can the crazy feats of a great illusionist and still it makes you wonder whether or not He will still be able to overthrow the Kardashian in terms of popularity?

And what if the world did adopt Him as the one and only Lord, and people looked up to Him. Which country would have the right to host Him. What if He spends too much time in Mexico or something. What if He heals your sister and not you? What if He supports trump, but also abortion. What is fair to Him isn't the same to you? My point is just maybe it was the right time

And faith is salvation
MarkCaesar · 56-60, M
Thing is, the story of Yahweh and the bible isn't new, they are old stories rehashed and put into a newer text. There are few "new" stories in the bible. Religion was constructed by man as a tool to control and a way to explain things that couldn't be explained at the time.
Religion is the only thing that faith is considered a good thing. In literally everything, faith can be and is used to manipulate people, religion moreso than anything.
"If god truly loves us", that's making the assumption that there IS a God. There isn't.
Goralski · 56-60, M
vel by Malachi Martin
4/5 · Goodreads
Windswept House: A Vatican Novel is a novel by Roman Catholic priest and theologian Malachi Martin. The book charts the turmoil within the Catholic faith and within Vatican City. Wikipedia
Originally published: July 13, 1998
Author: Malachi Martin
Preceded by: The Keys of This Blood
Genre: Fiction
Country: United States of America
OCLC: 33948860
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Show me a link man.
Then show me a link to someone doing these things in front of thousands and being filmed on their cell phones as would happen today.

Show me evidence of one man who can do these things who observed and recorded.

But sure magic tricks exist. Maybe the fact that we know they're tricks today should give you pause when you assume they were miracles from god back then...
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Can i imagine him coming now? When his miracles would be captured on film by thousands of people?
When his works would be spread throughout the entire world in a day?

Yeah. I can. I think it would work out real well for him actually.

Please explain what exactly is so important about faith and why it is more important than saving as many people as possible.
What proof of salvation do you feel He brought in the bible in the old days that would have worked here. Weren't some of His "feats" what would now be considered magic treats and touching act of kindness ? Tell me is that not more powerful a message then than now ?
Actually you can just YouTube those. I just did and got some good results for the dead person resurrected, but I don't think it has more views than Justin beiber videos. Shame really because maybe it would really boost up your faith. Would it tho?
I'm literally doing google searches, I won't waist my time searching, but if you were to see one (1) miracle would that really turn you or most of us into harden believers? Even his apostles relied on faith
Faith is your salvation. I think they needed to be the one to spread the news. Can you imagine Him coming now, where we are insensitive to most things
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Yes that's what faith is.
But why did they get proof and we get nothing but equivocal ambiguity?
Why is faith more important than our salvation?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Sounds like a lot of questions that would apply to a human celebrity or to someone who wasn't bring proof of salvation to humanity
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

What is the relevance of that post?
Without even actually having read it, "fiction"is the genre description...
Goralski · 56-60, M
The whole of vatican city is filled with nothing but child molesters and that's no understatement .... Pope included
All of the ancient meetings with God were lies. This is the only rational way to make God seem consistent.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

If any pope was not a pedo, i think it's the current one
I think that's what faith is all about? Isn't it ?
TheNephilim · 31-35, M
Wait this is the post you said ass. My bad. Lol
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

*citation needed
Goralski · 56-60, M
D pedo pope shall guide you
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

[image/video deleted]

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