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I Am Christian

I am so incredibly thankful that I am a believer in Christ. He took me through a long and hard journey, but it was worth it. Initially, I didn't chose him, He chose me. I desire to build a deeper relationship with God, yet I also desire my future husband. I've been single for so long because I am not looking for just anybody. I am seeking a man of God. I've learned so much about relationships and marriages since I became a Christian. And my heart is already full. I want to build a strong foundation and allow God to have a place in the center of our marriage. I pray for my future husband and I pray for myself as a future wife. I desire that we grow together in Christ and build something incredible. I desire that we will have a family and raise our children in Christ. I desire that we pray together, and love each other till death do us part. I cannot wait until I meet my husband, a man of God that will that me like a princess, just as our Father created me to be,
SagePoet · 61-69, M
Born Jewish I got baptized into Christ in Aug 2002. It was the single most important decision I made in my life. He is my life and I am for Him first above all else. If you live for Him and die to yourself each day you will be richly rewarded.
I am a Christian, too. Love your testimony. Thank you!
I love your testimony. So happy for you!!! ❤
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
Thank you so very much!
FORMERLYbatovn · 56-60, M
take courage young lady....those men are out there and youll find the man God has for you in Gods time. Dont be in a hurry, but wait on you said...its definitely worth it
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
@FORMERLYbatovn: Thank you so much. Definitely needed those words right now.
FORMERLYbatovn · 56-60, M
youre very welcome. feel free to talk with me at any time. :)
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
@FORMERLYbatovn: Thank you, I appreciate that.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Well said. Rely on Him alone and lean not unto your own understanding.
Mguinm · 51-55, F
Awesome! I hope you meet this man soon :-)
that is so beautiful
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
Thank you
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
Teirdalin · 31-35
I'm incredibly thankful to be a believer in Harambe.

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