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Question for Christians

If your god is an all knowing, all loving, and all powerful god...

Why would he ever let a fetus grow in a women who doesn't want said fetus and will ultimately get rid of it. If he is all knowing he will know her decision before hand and no reason to put a fetus there only to be killed as you call it. Why would he make the innocent fetus go through that pain and trauma only to die. That seems pointless and not like something a loving god would do...It's almost like he doesn't exist and when humans have sex they run of risk of creating life. The end.

Tell me why I am wrong...
Adstar · 56-60, M
(Luke 6:37) "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"

While it is possible for God to do this, there is no where in the Bible that states He has ever done this.. So that would just be speculation and probably someones personal imagination or wishful thinking.. I would not believe anyone who preached such a thing.. They would have no scriptural backing for such a doctrine..

Just because someone does not understand something or objects to something, this does not justify their dismissing of that something existing..

Imagine an isolated tribe of simple people living their subsistence lives on an island, One day they see a boat with different people coming ashore people with strange boxes and other devices.. The tribes people have noticed over the last year a few instances of shaking of the ground but nothing more.. After a few days the strange people come to the tribes people and talk with them... Telling them that that they are volcanologists which seems like a strange tribal name to the people.. These volcanologists then go one to tell the people that there is a huge container of liquid rock under their island that is very hot.. The tribal people cannot fathom the concept of rock being a liquid and find this story to be silly.. They have had rocks around their fires and even thrown rocks into fires and they have never seen any of the rocks turn into liquid.. They start to laugh at these weird volcanologist visitors shaking their heads at them..

They are then told that the liquid rock will soon explode out of the island mountain top and rains down upon the island burning to death anyone who is living here at the time and that the tribal people need to evacuate the island and come live on another island.. The tribal people are now offended at the volcanologists.. Who would believe in such an evil thing as a volcano?? They must be very evil people these vulcanologists to believe in such an evil thing as a volcano.. Both stupid and evil..

So the tribal people drive the volcanologists off the island and continue on in their lives as before.. Untill the day comes when their mountain explodes and they experience a terrible death when the piroclastic flow of the eruption comes down the mountain and hits then with 2000 degees plus could of dust..

So therefore disagreement does not justify disbleief.. Being unable to understand something does not show that the something does not exist either.. It can simply indicate that the person does not have the wisdom or enough knowledge the make sense of the thing they currently cannot understand..
@Adstar You know why they don't say this and many other things? Cause its all made up by man.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Spunkylama Thats what you choose to believe..
Now you know that you cannot prove to anyone that God does not exist..
Just as i cannot prove to you that God exists..

But believe this, God can prove He exists to whom so ever He wills to prove Himself..
Adstar · 56-60, M
Why would he ever let a fetus grow in a women who doesn't want said fetus and will ultimately get rid of it.

God allows evil people to commit murder of the innocent.. The love of God for both the evil woman and the little innocent one in her womb is not eliminated or non existent because God gives her the free willed ability to do her evil act.. If God was not loving God would destroy her immediately and have her cast into the eternal lake of fire right away.. But no, God allows her to live in the hope that one day she will regret her evil killing of her innocent little one so that she will acknowledge her evil deed and seek Gods forgiveness and have her transgression atoned for by the Atonement Jesus secured on the cross.. In this way the Loving God shall be justified in forgiving the woman and welcoming her into his eternal perfect existence .. Also the little one being innocent is automatically given eternal life having never committed any transgressions in their short existence in the womb of the evil woman..

So Gods love remains for both the victim and the murderer in this abortion scenario..

God is long suffering toward us.. Not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and be saved.. But many people who are too proud will resist admitting their need to be forgiven and their need for the atonement of the Lord Jesus that pays the death penalty which is upon them..
@Adstar I understand what you are saying but it doesn't explain why an innocent soul is put there in the first place only to die a painful death. If the baby is innocent why make it suffer for no reason? It doesn't make sense.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Spunkylama Spunkylama .. Think.. Every human being who has lived has been given life only to have it taken away.. And for most people who have ever lived death has been a painful experience..

Everyone who lives in imperfect human bodies must die sooner or later for our spirits to be transformed and given new perfect eternal bodies.. The transformation requires the death of the old person before perfection can be applied..

In a way the little one serves their Creator just as all human beings do in their longer lives.. They are an opportunity for others to love them and thus please the LORD or they are an opportunity for others to commit evil upon them and thus justify the the LORD judgement upon the one who committed the evil..

Most of us experience some love and some hate in our lives directed upon us by other human beings.. Some like the little one we are discussing suffer being murdered. Like the many thousands of Russian and Ukrainian people who are being violently killed as we speak.. Again people choose what they will take part in..
@Adstar Or do you think it's a possibilty that if god knowingly puts a soul in a body that will abort they he insures that a fetus feels no pain? But I doubt the pro-life people would ever say this as it is a major blow against part of their arguments. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense. What does make sense is that there is no god. No souls. Death is death the end.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Is God willing to prevent evil, but unable? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent.
Is He willing and able, then whence cometh evil? If He is neither able nor willing, why call him God? -Epicurus
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Sharon · F
If your god is an all knowing, all loving, and all powerful god...
All knowing? It couldn't even foresee how its "perfect plan" was going to be thwarted by a woman and a talking snake!
Hello? Anyone willing to answer?
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