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I Am Christian

I was raised Christian, still practicing it. I believe in God as I believe in the golden rule.

Good people deserve the best things. The bad ones should reap the worst. Simple. But this doesn't happen.

In reality, the good suffers. The bad reaps reward. True life is odd & ironic.

Where is the fair Master Plan of the Entity Above?
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Gamalon · 31-35, M
Hello Hannah. It seems that you are going though or know someone going through tough times. In many ways it seems that justice is gone or even backwards with how the world is. Through my years of studying the Bible two biblical heroes help me understand why evil thrives. One character is Job who has a book named after him. Job was the weathiest man of his land but also the most righteous man of his time. And long story short Satan asks God to put Job through misery to show his faith is just based on success. God actually allows this and Job loses absolutely everything from his wealth to his family to his appearance and health. Job does not stray from God but after a period of times wants answers (as I’m sure we all
do). God tells Job that the ways of the Almighty are above mans and afterward God does restore Job with new riches and new children. Reading this story I was perplexed. Job went through an earthy version of hell, his loved ones are still dead and this is justice? A similar thing happens to Abel the son of Adam, he works as a good person, obeys God and makes a sacrifice and right after, he is killed by his envious brother. What? How could this happen? Abel didn’t even get the chance to see justice like Job. Where is the justice in 2 good people with nothing bad written about them having utter misery? If this world was all there is I would be pretty bummed. But The Bible explains in both old and new testaments that the time we spend on earth is but a second in vastnes of eternity. While many escape justice on earth and we undergo sorrows, all will be judged for the sins in the body both good and bad. The reason to believe in Jesus is that because the human race is flawed and because God is so perfect we need a Savior who endured the wrath of God so we can be set free. For even Job and Abel despite living by faith were flawed human beings. They needed a savior just as much as we do. Earth will be unjust because it was broken so long ago, we just need to trust God that even when justice seems lost, it is just delayed and will be dealt at the appointed time. I hope this Helps.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@Gamalon Thank you.
I knew about the Book of Job. But sometimes when all else fail amidst doing noble deed, faith is lost.
Gamalon · 31-35, M
You’re welcome Hannah. You also brought up a good point about failing in faith. One way my pastor describes faith is “Trusting in God enough to do what HE says” and sin is simply when we don’t. If you believe that definition we have all stumbled from faith at one point or another. The key is are we willing to invest that trust for the long haul? Even when you feel that God is a million miles away, All we need to to is pray, and strive to do right again and we are reconciled.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
I'm still keeping the faith but for how long...? Till everything is too hard to bear and time to let go...let the tide of life throws me in an enormous waves of uncertainty which is the most stable thing in my world. Yes, life is hard and unpredictable.
kodiac · 22-25, M
The question that has no answer as far as i can see ,I agree
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SavingPrivateHannah I don't mind them either but they mind me .lol
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@kodiac just run away. Don't spend any second rebutting against them.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SavingPrivateHannah Private message i got since commenting on this post,
Hey, help me and my demon filled friends gang rape an angel.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
I was also taught Satan rewards his followers as well..
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@iamnikki perhaps Satan overpowers when God's not looking.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@SavingPrivateHannah no, i dont think so
msros · F
That's true.
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
@msros yeah sometimes I thought Atheist maybe right.

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