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Christ is telling us what the future will be like and the closer we are to his return the more things like this will occur.

Where do you get THAT context for His remark?
Charity · 56-60
@SomeMichGuy oh yes I Do

You see by asking that question you went completely off with the post is about meaning you're trying to start another topic. And that topic is about God.
@Charity I'm not off topic.

If you believe Jesus is speaking for God, then you should be mindful of the warning of Proverbs 30:6

Do not add to [God's] words,
or [H]e will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

You are adding to the Word by making up a context not in the plain meaning of the text. So you are convicted by this verse.

Stop changing the Word by making up contexts.
Charity · 56-60
@SomeMichGuy I never answered your question as I said I know where it's leading. And you did change the topic.

Nor am I making up scripture I said it as it was written and posted it.

Nor am I changing the meaning of the text.

Christ plainly said a reason why he came, what's going to occur and if it's going to occur that means it's prophecy and prophecy is for the future. As Solomon said "nothing is new up under the sun" and Solomon was inspired by Yahweh.

This Conversation has gone on long enough. Now you believe differently that's your business, believe is you choose. That's why there are so many different denominations of churches and sub-denominations within those denominations, different theology all the meaning of some scriptures. And there are those that don't believe in scripture at all.

GerOttman · 61-69, M
Is this more smiteing? I can understand some righteous reproach now and again, but I'm not going to smite a neighbor over it! You shouldn't either.

Can I recommend a nice Buddhism?
Charity · 56-60
@GerOttman nowhere in the post did it say smite your neighbor, Jesus actually says love your neighbor. The post was actually about family and what is going to occur in the families before he returns.

And when you look at the world today you will see where Jesus prophesied in those verses what is going to happen, and not occasionally but frequently and as time gets closer to the end more and more increasing.

Actually I have a neighborhood I try to do my best to avoid, because of the type of mess they continually keep up.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@Charity I thought the smiteing was implied
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Charity · 56-60
@jshm2 telling me / why not telling us?

A terrorist he never killed anyone while he walked the Earth in a flesh body, he actually disappeared before their eyes as they were looking for him and couldn't find him. He allowed himself to be nailed on a cross, pierced in his side.
And like he told Governor Pilate if he was a king of this world, his subjects, which are angels would come and fight for him and no human shouldn't want to see them fight, man doesn't have a chance.

A revolutionist, well he revolted against what the Sadducees and Pharisees were accepting and teaching, even from the time when he was 12 years old. And when he returns he is going to revolt against what much of the churches are teaching and accepting. Seven churches written of in Revelation, only two of them got a fair report.

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