A moving act of generosity
During my 40acts Lent devotional I read a moving story.
Christine from the Congo donated her only cow to help the Congolese Bible translators reach her community with a Bible translation in her community's language.
To understand the genorosity we must consider the current conflicts going on in the Country and on top of that my wife told me this morning that the Congolese have to regularly go in to her Country of Zambia to buy livestock.
This really challenges me living in a Western Country with my attitude to giving- it is something for us all to reflect on.
Christine from the Congo donated her only cow to help the Congolese Bible translators reach her community with a Bible translation in her community's language.
To understand the genorosity we must consider the current conflicts going on in the Country and on top of that my wife told me this morning that the Congolese have to regularly go in to her Country of Zambia to buy livestock.
This really challenges me living in a Western Country with my attitude to giving- it is something for us all to reflect on.