May we always remember the above with regard to idolatory of any kind.
So that special Bible?
Yep. Where it all started. Holding to the reformed covenant theology of infant baptism, this was an act that would mean more than my secular family could ever know.
After this- I would later get saved by Christ, I would then start fellowshiping with other Christians, I would then go to a Bible study where I learned about the persecuted church for the first time, I would meet my wife and with all these sacred memories there is this Bible which showed the start of it all.
My extra Lent reading material for devotional reading- after I finish reading the VOM publication, I will move on to the book next to it.
May Lord's Jesus Christ bless all the Christians around the world with peace, love and inner calm this season of lent. May Lord continue to bless us all. Amen!