Wednesday Bible Study Notes 26/02/25
Different pastor tonight as the usual one was away at a conference. You will not believe what the theme of the Bible study was... maybe God wants to tell someone something about fellowship on here....
. For life in the local church, God wants you on the team- not cheering from the side!
. We were not made on a conveyor belt by God! God in his infinite wisdom has blessed us all with gifts- these gifts though, are clearly to be used to bless others- if we are not using our gifts to bless and serve the church, what are we doing?
. The self and pride= no place in the body of Christ!
. Even in growth we should be growing together with the local church- not just by ourselves!
. Unity= Different denominations but as long as we believe in the same Gospel truth and the essentials- Trinity, virgin birth, Christ shedding his blood on the cross for us and raising on the third day, deity of Christ, etc
Diversity= Different people, different cultures, different talents, different backgrounds.
Maturity= Not just maturing alone but maturing with the local church.
To be clear- a church in this context is one that faithfully preaches the saving Gospel of Christ and faithfully sticks to the teaching of God's word.
. For life in the local church, God wants you on the team- not cheering from the side!
. We were not made on a conveyor belt by God! God in his infinite wisdom has blessed us all with gifts- these gifts though, are clearly to be used to bless others- if we are not using our gifts to bless and serve the church, what are we doing?
. The self and pride= no place in the body of Christ!
. Even in growth we should be growing together with the local church- not just by ourselves!
. Unity= Different denominations but as long as we believe in the same Gospel truth and the essentials- Trinity, virgin birth, Christ shedding his blood on the cross for us and raising on the third day, deity of Christ, etc
Diversity= Different people, different cultures, different talents, different backgrounds.
Maturity= Not just maturing alone but maturing with the local church.
To be clear- a church in this context is one that faithfully preaches the saving Gospel of Christ and faithfully sticks to the teaching of God's word.