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The family of Christ


A great article explaining how in the body of Christ, we are all a family.

Early in my Christian walk I wish I had this knowledge better.

But I wonder how we can grow in the knowledge? You know what I'm going to say now don't you? 🤭

And you'd be right- fellowship! As in face to face fellowship at a local, bible believing, gospel preaching church, not online.

So many reasons for this- encouraging other Christians (and they will certainly encourage you), worshipping God together, making new friends and meeting new people from your church family, etc.

We can only grow in the knowledge that Christians are family. I have a long way to grow in this knowledge- the lady I mentioned at our local church from Guyana originally, shows the same affection to my wife and I, that she would to her grandchildren and I'm always so taken aback (in a nice, positive way).

The memories too- I will always remember going to my first bible studies my church organised in my former hometown hosted by a lovely couple- his posh accent with her strong Sheffield accent quite the contrast, but God brought them together and God used them to serve the church by graciously hosting Bible studies.

Memories of the first Bible studies I went too- the sun setting on a spring/summer evening, the snacks being served in a Zante, Ibiza, etc bowl (from their former clubbing days before knowing Christ, bet they never knew it would soon be feeding a Bible study group 🤭), the Bible study itself and fellowship afterwards over a delicious meal.

Now treating Christians as family grows and is natural and not forced- it's not standing next to a person also dressed in an old fashioned suit or dress and making VERY awkward small talk (we also see your body language guys 🤭) as per a certain heretical sect and it's not so overly fake and sickly sweet that it weirds people out.

But having all these experiences and sharing moments like where you're there for your Christian family, like my wife and I visiting a couple who are friends from church at the hospital, when the lady was expecting complications with the pregnancy (by God's grace none happened and he's now a healthy baby boy) will never happen if you don't get out there and fellowship at a church.

Having said all this, it is important to conclude by saying that I believe God will give special graces in this regard to those who are unable to attend a regular church due to an illness or due to being in a Country where it is not possible/safe to attend due to the authorities.
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
The Bible knows nothing of 'lone ranger' disciples. Fellowship is the norm and, as you say, essential for healthy growth.
@FreddieUK Amen brother, it is a key point God has used to enable me to grow!
Redman191145 · 41-45, M
Very well said
@Redman191145 Thankyou for the encouragement brother! I had these thoughts for awhile and have now found a post to put them all together!
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Congratulations on Your 1st post.
@DanielsASJ Thankyou! Sorry I just didn't get the "1st post" part
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic It's the post I liked the most
@DanielsASJ Ah! That's what I thought you meant! Thankyou!

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