Bible Studies 19/02/25
. Trump is not ultimately sovereign over the USA, our Triune God is. Putin is ultimately not sovereign over Russia, God is. God is sovereign over the whole universe. What is the right response to God's sovereignty? We need to worship!
.I will add my own thoughts on the what the pastor of the church my wife and I attend for Bible study said above- it should terrify a dictator like Putin that God is sovereign over Russia- if Putin doesn't repent and dies without accepting Christ he will face Christ at the judgement seat- having to admit that in Russia and Russian occupied Ukraine he persecuted Christ's church, Putin will then face an eternity of pure torment.
. God is not passive, waiting for us- and thank him for that as during backsliding, etc if left to our own nature without God the Holy Spirit, we'd never come back to him.
. The pastor quoted Spurgeon "The sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace." Amen to that!
. Our God reigns= He reigned in eternity past, he reigned in the past, he reigns in the present, he will reign in the future and he will reign in eternity future.
. We will never (even in eternity) fully comprehend them but we can reflect on the mysteries of our Triune God reigning in eternity past-you were discussed at his counsel by the Godhead in eternity past- Your parents, your date of birth, whether you are going to marry or not (and who you will marry)…. and even when you will die.
. Christ (God the Son) didn't have to save any of us- yet, in his love for us he did- he turns no one away who comes to him.
.I will add my own thoughts on the what the pastor of the church my wife and I attend for Bible study said above- it should terrify a dictator like Putin that God is sovereign over Russia- if Putin doesn't repent and dies without accepting Christ he will face Christ at the judgement seat- having to admit that in Russia and Russian occupied Ukraine he persecuted Christ's church, Putin will then face an eternity of pure torment.
. God is not passive, waiting for us- and thank him for that as during backsliding, etc if left to our own nature without God the Holy Spirit, we'd never come back to him.
. The pastor quoted Spurgeon "The sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace." Amen to that!
. Our God reigns= He reigned in eternity past, he reigned in the past, he reigns in the present, he will reign in the future and he will reign in eternity future.
. We will never (even in eternity) fully comprehend them but we can reflect on the mysteries of our Triune God reigning in eternity past-you were discussed at his counsel by the Godhead in eternity past- Your parents, your date of birth, whether you are going to marry or not (and who you will marry)…. and even when you will die.
. Christ (God the Son) didn't have to save any of us- yet, in his love for us he did- he turns no one away who comes to him.