Sermon Notes 26/01/25
An acronym for bless from the service:
Begin with prayer
Listen (to others)
Eat (with others)
Serve (others)
Share (your testimony with others)
. Serve others- Jesus did the lowliest job of washing feet even before he took all the punishment for sin and had God's unfettered wrath poured on him, he still served others.
. Considering the above think of the opportunities available to you- that elderly neighbour you can help out and say hi to, that family who have just moved here from abroad and need some friends.
. Go and be ambassadors for Christ- seek and save the lost. Go and interact with people!
Begin with prayer
Listen (to others)
Eat (with others)
Serve (others)
Share (your testimony with others)
. Serve others- Jesus did the lowliest job of washing feet even before he took all the punishment for sin and had God's unfettered wrath poured on him, he still served others.
. Considering the above think of the opportunities available to you- that elderly neighbour you can help out and say hi to, that family who have just moved here from abroad and need some friends.
. Go and be ambassadors for Christ- seek and save the lost. Go and interact with people!