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The tapestry of life

As I am on the train for office day (hybrid office-home) I think about after my devotion this morning, after which I thought about alot about how God has grown me in my Christian walk.

I think about how I got here.

The mysterious fisherman who rescued my mum as a little girl drowning at sea , who despite being in a fishing town on holiday, none of the fishermen in the town knew him when my grandad wanted to find and thank him.........

The different scenes in which the parents met- The London scene in the late 1980s vs the scene in the village in Zambia when my in laws were introduced in the 1980s........

Other family- my hard as nails great grandma being a single mum and tram operator during the bombing of Sheffield in WW2.... if the bombs had dropped on the house she was living in with my grandma.........

And here I am, the first in a long line of family to be saved solely by God's grace and to share my Christian journey with others here and in RL. To be used by God.

My Christian walk has been an interesting one- to experiencing brokerage paid members clubs to having a coffee and chat with active moped thieves.

Life is a tapestry of characters and experiences God sends us.......
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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Really interesting story, with a lot of things I can relate to.

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