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Bible Study Notes 15/01/25

The first Bible Study of the year. I wish everyone had this pastor (my favourite one). He speaks with such bluntness, he is like a hammer that smashes your idolatry. I still haven't "recovered" from a sermon of his on a Sunday last year which was the closest thing I will ever hear to a great awakening style sermon, it was on the judgement seat of Christ.

When doing his sermons, he pauses and looks at various people.

Anyway, the notes of his message, words cannot capture how great of a pastor he is:

. A.W. Tozer said: "What we think about God is the most important thing about us"

. How you answer Tozer's question determines EVERYTHING about your life.

. If you have high views of God, this will lead to a Christ centred life.

. Bad sermons with gimmicks lead to low views of God- think Hillsong, etc.

. Your theology determines your doxology (hymns to God).

. Even with 1000 lifetimes, we could not fully explore the depth of God's majesty and his glory.

. As R.C. Sproul said "There is not one maverick molecule in this universe, everything is under God's sovereignty."

. Oh, how quick we are to complain but not thank God for our blessings.
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Tozer wrote some great books. I have quite a few over the years. Pursuit of God, and Knowledge of The Holy are two of the best.
@OverTheHill Pursuit of God is one I want to read!

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