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New Year's Post

My last Christian post for 2024.. what a year it's been! You didn't expect me to do this post at midnight did you? At a friend's party tonight and at 12 and later when I get back a post will be the least thing on my mind 🤭

Looking ahead I know God will do great things for the church in 2025- may our churches continue the trend and grow in number.. it's always great meeting other Christians at fellowship! I know God will continue his work and many people unaware ATM will come to know him this year in the most unexpected ways!

Now I have my qualification I pray great things will happen this year and God will use any increased salary for his glory.. I'm in new situations where I really need it.

I'm looking forward to posting about news regarding Christ's church in 2025, when I get back to the flat a Banner of Truth magazine and three magazines on the persecuted church await me (possibly a Wycliffe Bible Translators mag too). I will do more cherry picking on news this year for now though- only so many posts I can get passionate about and then barely any reactions from professing Christians- so less and more compressed.

On the note above- proffesing Christians- please encourage more Christian posters and stop relying on one Christian poster- start encouraging more Christian posters. It is so cringe seeing a poster that people agree with on worldly subjects get the lion's share of likes and comments on their Christian post.

Another note for 2025- please attend a Gospel preaching, Bible believing church and fellowship there, if you do not already do so and if you are able too. Fellowship is essential for our growth in Christ. On that note if you are going to a church where the Gospel isn't preached and the pastor isn't biblically qualified, stop and go to the first mentioned one.

So here's to 2025- let us look forward to what God will do in our lives this year and the lives of his worldwide church.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Be sure to have a pint for me, mate!
@basilfawlty89 Hehe. And a glass of Champers too!

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