Attending Church For the First Time By Myself
For a long time, I've wanted to go to church. I prayed to God asking for help in this very difficult time in my life and finding a church popped into my head again maybe because my sister brought it up this morning. I'm baptized catholic but want to find a church with a community of younger people my age and more passion so I've been drawn to different types of churches. I would like to attend a few church services until I find a place I may like. I'm very nervous and I cry often when hearing about god or Jesus. I also work a lot in hospice so I just feel everything feels a little deeper to the surface sometimes. I just afraid to look weird, or dress odd since i'm alterative looking in style (gothic), yes of course i'm not going decked out and will try my best to dress reasonable. any advice on having the confidence to go would be most appreciated. thank you