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Depressing literature.... or eternal wisdom?

My daily Bible reading plan has taken me to Ecclesiastes- written by a depressed Nihlist or one of the most genius pieces of wisdom literature?

Even before the epic two finishing verses summarising the entire book, it is filled with nuggets of wisdom, my favourite from today's reading being "He has also set eternity in their heart".

The book of Ecclesiastes helps us to look at the futility of living for this world.

An empire rises and an empire falls, you get an evil leader- you get a Hitler, you get a Putin, but they will soon be gone, confined to the history books.

The above also applies to any political leader that gets idolised- after their presidency and after their death, when their ashes are scattered, while their rule has long gone, Christ still reigns on the throne and shares it with noone.

So much could be said about this book but there just isn't the time- basically don't live and spend your money for this uncertain world, rather spend the time and invest for eternity.

Unless Christ returns before, on the day of your inevitable death you may well have regrets, but a guarantee is you won't regret investing in Church, missions, the persecuted church and also sharing the Gospel of Christ.

So how can I sum up this book in a few words? As Leonard Ravenhill said: "In light of eternity".

DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Very insightful post
Thank you. Very true that leaders will come and go. Anyone should not be idolised.
@DanielsASJ Thanks for the encouragement brother!

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