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Praised be God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We cordially invite you to listen to one of the messages of Jesus Christ, delivered to the mystic Luz de Maria de Bonilla. The message was approved by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevar, who stated: I declare that I have not found any doctrinal error that would be contrary to faith, morals and good habits, for which I give these publications IMPRIMATUR. We cordially encourage you to listen to this important message for us and for all humanity.


My Beloved People: I bless you, I bless you, I bless you... My Truth spreads throughout Creation, it flies like the wind from person to person, seeking those who have not yet given themselves to Me. My beloved: do not wait for what is coming to rediscover the way to Me; be one with Me, love My Mother and be an example of unity. Beloved children, darkness is approaching humanity and I remain beside each of you so that this darkness does not attack you. I will be oil and light at the same time so that your lamps will never go out. My Church goes on and on without ceasing, shaken and purified. My people are going against My Will, they are going towards their own justice. My beloved: disobedience to My calls is the cause of human suffering.

I show you the right way, but you do not listen and you go astray. The earth will shake again, and with this shaking your hearts will move, not because of conscience, but only because of fear of Nature's fury. I want you to become aware of My calls, being attentive and obedient children of the One who gave Himself for all. It is not in vain that the drums of war are raised, heard by all mankind. It is the result of the thoughtlessness of man, a man who has pushed Me away, banished Me and does not want to know Me. You, beloved children who hear My calls, do not be discouraged by what is coming; on the contrary, persevere in prayer and action, carrying My word to your brothers and thus sharing the treasure of My will.

Don't stay static; My people are a people of heroes who joyfully and harmoniously prepare for My Second Coming, joyfully facing what will precede it. Everything that happens will happen in the blink of an eye before man who expects that time, which is not time but My Will, will continue to succumb to the whims of men. The moment hastened by My mercy, at the request of My Mother. The innocent cry out to My Mother for My coming and I, who am Love, listen to My Mother's cry. Man will destroy himself and My Heart will bleed; My Side will be pierced anew.

The man I love keeps Me in constant uncertainty, calls Me and turns to Me when he has needs, removes Me from his soul when he no longer needs Me. Nevertheless, I am Love for My children and for the one who turns to Me as many times as he needs, being accepted by Me, if he is sincere and humble. I invite you to fervent prayer for the leaders of the great world powers. Those who think they have the power in their hands will be surprised. My beloved, look up, be discerning, see the signs of the times lest you be suddenly surprised; do not wait any longer, turn to Me quickly. With infinite Love, I send help from My House to those who wish to receive it.

The one who will bless all people will come, receive My people and protect them as long as they remain faithful and attentive to Me. He will guide them in times of darkness and they will recognize him because he will carry My Word. He will open the path through which My flock must be guided, progressing steadily and safely towards My Second Coming. Do not let fear or uncertainty keep you away from Me... the one who calls Me with love and truly repents of his actions will be the one who will find My light and his lamp will be filled with new oil. Pray as events follow one after the other. Give the necessary "yes" right now; do not wait for what you should not wait for, nor seek what you should not seek. I am here in each of you, giving you time to call Me to take you into My Arms and protect you like a Loving Father who cares for His children.

Turn to My Mother, to whom I have entrusted My Mystical Body, so that, with Her Protective Mantle, she will not allow the enemy of the soul to snatch anyone from those who are Mine. Like a good shepherd, I remain attentive to My sheep, who must recognize My call and My word. Look up, for blessing will come from above for all mankind. My peace and my love are for each of you. I am waiting for you to open the door so that I can enter your hearts. My Church must stay on track, only in this way will it be able to endure what is coming: devotion in spirit and truth will give you strength and evil will not find lukewarm to seduce and take with it. Misfortunes will not wait in suspense above the earth. This generation is on the brink of the abyss because Nature has awakened in its entirety to purify itself from the disgusting sin that humanity has left upon Her. Never-before-seen events will come as a surprise to the wicked who did not follow My Word. Those who know Me await these events as a sign of My nearness and My second coming. My beloved people: do not chew my word, digest it; thus you will understand them in your spirit, in your conscience, in your reasoning, in your thoughts, and in your faith-fed mind.

My Church is action, it does not lie dormant in my word, but puts it into practice in fidelity and obedience, in reason and in the attraction to good. My Church sighs for truth, for holiness and for spiritual growth, My Mystical Body is My Church, My People want to be united with Me, with My Strength, which will lead them to enter the Mystery of My Love. What is coming will not last forever, but in these critical moments. The sun is going to explode and to a large extent it will mean a regression of humanity, leading people to uncertainty again, without science. I am the shepherd who warns his flock against the proximity of Satan, who devours the weak and prowls everywhere without rest or measure. The enemy of man knows that the moment of his transgressions is approaching, and therefore the moment is also approaching when he will no longer be able to tempt man.

Be vigilant, do not lose heart, because when peace seems to have come, this is the moment of greatest danger. The moon will give humanity a great sign, a sign of My closeness. I am Love, I am calling all people, I am giving My Word for all My children, not for a few, not just for a sector, but for all mankind who thirst for My Word, did I not come for sinners and those who did not believe in Me? Pray My beloved ones, pray. Beloved, My Church is not done with her suffering, she will continue to carry a heavy Cross. You, My beloved ones, be filled with courage and faith so that nothing can shake you. I see you and protect you. My Body and My Blood cover you and nourish you every moment. Do not be afraid, practice inner silence and you will find Me. Do not be afraid, you remain deep, very deep in My Heart. It is My Will that you return to Me soon. I bless you - Jesus.
Not one verse in the Bible says that the sun will explode. It says this:

Matthew 24:29 (KJV) Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

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