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We all have our gifts.

Well, two days after hearing the sermon my pastor preached on standing before the judgement seat of Christ and I am still impacted.... and his preaching is a gift from God.

My wife has said that I'm great in encouraging her in faith and she loves my passion for the persecuted church........ but as a Christian post writer am I allowed to admit she is much more selfless and caring than I am? And those are her gifts.

The most multi gifted individual who deserves a few paragraphs was a 16-17 year old who visited Bible study once because his dad and him weren't able to go to their usual church, let's just say he had plenty of reasons to feel sorry for himself but he focused his energy on others.

After the sermon, he started talking to my wife with tears in his eyes about the bombing of Gaza and about all the civilians affected and how he wanted to give more of his money to help them, he knew, better than most of us, that they too are made in the image of God.

He also had a passion for bringing the gospel of Christ to the lost that surpassed anyone that age......... and the vast majority of adult Christians I know and will know!

So, we all, as Christians, have our gifts from God, do not make my mistake as I have done on here and try and force them on others 😅🤭

Also, know that the better you use your gifts from God, the more Satan will try and discourage you in them and he will use unbelievably sophisticated means to do so... but remember his ultimate destiny will be in chains, but your future will be Christ for eternity!

And remember for your gifts..... Soli Deo Gloria!!!!
What a great post. Yes we all have different gifts and you are so right, it is the Holy Spirit that chooses them for us. A lot of people don't know that.

Your pastor and I seem to be on the same page because I've been working on a post about judgment Day. It is so interesting. Takes a lot of study too. God bless you and your ministry.
@BritishFailedAesthetic I'm not sure which one you're talking about because I may have touched on it in another post but I have one coming up that deals with every aspect of the judgment day and what will happen then and why. This will really be detailed. Some won't believe it or realize that it's not what they're thinking. Not at all and I don't think they've heard this version but it is all biblically backed up and I will put the verses.
@LadyGrace I look forward to reading and being inspired by the post!
@BritishFailedAesthetic Thank you, brother.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Wow! I don't know exactly what to say so I'll just say wow!
@Musicman Thanks for the encouragement brother! I am sure he has used you in many ways too!
Musicman · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic He has. People have told me I have really helped them and they have seen Christ in me. I am always amazed to hear this.
@Musicman Great to hear, what a blessing that must be to hear!

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